All lectures on radiological topics given by Prof Dr Schmitt or his radiological and clinical colleagues since 1986 are listed chronologically.
Award of the certificate for "Extraordinary Professorship" at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg by the President, Prof Dr Grueske, in May 2007.
Lectures 2024
Schmitt R, Golchev M. Tendons, entheses, bursae around the hip. Skeleton and joint seminar on 15-16/11/2024 in Munich
Schmitt R: Hand. Basic course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 09-10/11/2024 (online course)
Schmitt R: Shoulder. Basic course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 09-10/11/2024 (online course)
Schmitt R: Pathological Skeletal Findings in Radiographs. Part 3. Postgraduate Training of the Institute of Radiology of the University of Würzburg on 24/10/2024 in Wuerzburg
Schmitt R: Hip. Advanced course ofthe Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 21/09/2024 (online course)
Schmitt R: Foot. Advanced course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 21/09/2024 (online course)
Schmitt R: Hand. Advanced course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 21/09/2024 (online course)
Schmitt R: Lesions of the TFCC. IMR 2024 (Intensive Musculoskeletal Radiology Course) at 13-14/09/2024 in Hamburg
Schmitt R: Overuse and epicondylitis of the elbow. IMR 2024 (Intensive Musculoskeletal Radiology Course) at 13-14/09/2024 in Hamburg
Schmitt R: Anatomy, lesions and classifications at the TFCC. Petersberg Symposium - Radiology meets MSK at 13-14/09/2024 in Bonn
Schmitt R: Overload phenomena and epicondylitis of the elbow. Petersberg Symposium - Radiology meets MSK at 13-14/09/2024 in Bonn
Schmitt R: Nerve compression syndromes in the elbow, forearm and hand. Joint Annual Conference of the Thuringian Society for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine and the Saxon Radiological Society on 06-07/09/2024 in Erfurt
Schmitt R: Pathological Skeletal Findings in Radiographs. Part 2. Postgraduate Training of the Institute of Radiology of the University of Würzburg on 16/07/2024 in Wuerzburg
Schmitt R, Golchev M. Tendons, entheses, bursae around the hip. Skeleton and joint seminar on 12-13/07/2024 in Munich
Schmitt R: Contrast agent administration - useful or dispensable? Ulm-Augsburg Radiological Summer Symposium on 29/06/2024 in Ulm
Schmitt R: Continuing education: quiz cases on the foot. Invited talk at the Vienna University Department of Radiology on 20/06/2024 in Vienna
Schmitt R: Continuing education: MRI diagnostics of the hindfoot. Invited talk at the Vienna University Hospital of Radiology on 20/06/2024 in Vienna
Schmitt R: Carpal ligaments and TFCC. Invited talk at the Vienna University Department of Radiology on 19/06/2024 in Vienna
Schmitt R: Radiological diagnosis of chronic ligament injuries of the hand. 63rd Symposium of the German-speaking Working Group for Hand Surgery at 04/05/2024 in Salzburg
Schmitt R: Radiological diagnosis of acute ligament injuries of the hand. 63rd Symposium of the German-speaking Working Group for Hand Surgery at 04/05/2024 in Salzburg
Schmitt R, Kalb K: Diagnostics of the hand interactive.10th Annual Conference of the German Society for Musculoskeletal Radiology (DGMSR) at 26-27/04/2024 in Berlin
Schmitt R: Foot. Advanced course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 20-21/04/2024 (online course)
Schmitt R: Hand. Advanced course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 20-21/04/2024 (online course)
Schmitt R: Hip and elbow. Advanced course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 20-21/04/2024 (online course)
Schmitt R: Shoulder. Advanced course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 20-21/04/2024 (online course)
Schmitt R, Hesse N: Arthrography of the shoulder, hand, hip and ankle. Wuerzburg Symposium "Musculoskeletal Radiology" at 12-13/04/2024 in Wuerzburg
Schmitt R: Spinal canal stenoses. Wuerzburg Symposium "Musculoskeletal Radiology" at 12-13/04/2024 in Wuerzburg
Schmitt R: Optimized diagnostics for diseases of the hand. Academy Online of the German Radiological Society at 02/04/2024 (online lecture)
Schmitt R: Pathological Skeletal Findings in Radiographs. Part 1. Postgraduate Training of the Institute of Radiology of the University of Würzburg on 19/03/2024 in Wuerzburg
Schmitt R: Foot. Basic course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 20-21/01/2024 (online course)
Schmitt R: Hand. Basic course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 20-21/01/2024 (online course)
Schmitt R: Hip and elbow. Basic course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 20-21/01/2024 (online course)
Schmitt R: Shoulder. Basic course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 20-21/01/2024 (online course)
Schmitt R: MRI techniques on the hand. Munich Radiology Symposium at 18/01/2024 in Munich
Lectures 2023
Schmitt R, Golchev M: Hindfoot and distal tarsus (with acetabular ligament). Augsburg-Munich Skeleton and Joint Seminars at 17/11/2023 in Munich
Schmitt R: Foot. Basic course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 05/11/2023 (online course)
Schmitt R: Hand. Basic course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 05/11/2023 (online course)
Schmitt R: Hip and elbow. Basic course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 04/11/2023 (online course)
Schmitt R: Shoulder. Basic course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 04/11/2023 (online course)
Schmitt R: TFCC: Pathoanatomy and classification systems. Refresher Course of the International Skeletal Society (ISS) at 09-13/10/2023 in London
Schmitt R: Lesions of the TFCC. Munich Sports Imaging Course 2023 at 05-07/10/2023 in Munich
Schmitt R: Imaging the pathologies of the hindfoot. Continuing education of the Institute of Radiology of the University of Würzburg on 27/07/2023
Schmitt R, Golchev M: Hindfoot and distal tarsus (with acetabular ligament). Augsburg-Munich Skeleton and Joint Seminars at 08/07/2023 in Munich
Schmitt R: Imaging diagnostics for injuries of the wrist. Annual meeting of the IBRA at 07/07/2023 in Wuerzburg
Schmitt R: Imaging of neuropathies around the elbow. Continuing education of the Institute of Radiology of the University of Wuerzburg at 23/06/2023 in Wuerzburg
Schmitt R: Imaging diagnostics for injuries and diseases of the scaphoid. 62nd Symposium of the German-speaking Working Group for Hand Surgery at 06/05/2023 in Bad Homburg
Schmitt R: Imaging diagnostics for injuries of the DRUG. 62nd Symposium of the German-speaking Working Group for Hand Surgery at 05/05/2023 in Bad Homburg
Schmitt R: Basics wrist. 9th Annual Conference of the German Society for Musculoskeletal Radiology (DGMSR) at 4-6/05/2023 in Berlin
Schmitt R: Foot. Advanced course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 23/04/2023 (online course)
Schmitt R: Hand. Advanced course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 23/04/2023 (online course)
Schmitt R: Hip and elbow. Advanced course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 22/04/2023 (online course)
Schmitt R: Shoulder. Advanced course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 22/04/2023 (online course)
Hesse N, Schmitt R: "Pearls and Pitfalls" in hand diagnostics. The Garmisch Symposium International at 18-22/04/2023 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Schmitt R: MRI basic course "Hand and elbow". The Garmisch Symposium International at 18-22/04/2023 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Schmitt R: Imaging diagnostics at the TFCC. MSK seminar of the Radiological Clinic rechts der Isar at 05/04/2023 in Munich
Schmitt R: The different faces of the bone matrix. Continuing education at the Vienna University Department of Radiology at 24/03/2023 in Vienna
Schmitt R: TFCC - The new CUP classification of the TFCC. Invited talk at the Vienna University Department of Radiology at 23/03/2023 in Vienna
Schmitt R: Carpal anatomy and biomechanics easy to understand. Continuing education at the Vienna University Department of Radiology at 23/03/2023 in Vienna
Schmitt R: Carpal anatomy and biomechanics for radiologists. VSRN spring conference 2023 at 11/02/2023 in Baden-Baden
Schmitt R: Foot. Advanced course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 05/02/2023 (online course)
Schmitt R: Hand. Advanced course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 05/02/2023 (online course)
Schmitt R: Hip and elbow. Advanced course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 04/02/2023 (online course)
Schmitt R: Shoulder. Advanced course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 04/02/2023 (online course)
Schmitt R: Foot. Basic course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 22/01/2023 (online course)
Schmitt R: Hand. Basic course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 22/01/2023 (online course)
Schmitt R: Hip and elbow. Basic course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 21/01/2023 (online course)
Schmitt R: Shoulder. Basic course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 21/01/2023 (online course)
Schmitt R: The scapholunate ligament and ulnocarpal complex. Symposium "Update RSNA - Musculoskeletal Imaging" at 14/01/2023 in Cologne
Lectures 2022
Schmitt R: X-ray thorax: anatomy, systematics, key findings. Advanced training of the Clinic for Anaesthesiology Bad Neustadt an der Saale at 19/12/2022 as online training
Schmitt R: Topography of the thoracic organs. Course for transoesophageal echocardiography (TEE) at the Clinic for Anaesthesiology Bad Neustadt at 15-20/11/2022 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Schmitt R: Foot. Basic course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 12-13/11/2022 (online course)
Schmitt R: Hand. Basic course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 12-13/11/2022 (online course)
Schmitt R: Hip and elbow. Basic course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 12-13/11/2022 (online course)
Schmitt R: Shoulder. Basic course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 12-13/11/2022 (online course)
Schmitt R: Tendon pathologies and deformities of the foot. Advanced training course of the German Society for Musculoskeletal Radiology (DGMSR) at 29/10/2022 in Hamburg
Schmitt R: Labrum and pulley lesions of the shoulder. Advanced training of the Institute of Radiology of the University of Wuerzburg at 20/10/2022 in Wuerzburg
Schmitt R: X-ray thorax: anatomy, common findings and systematics. 51st Bavarian Anaesthesia Days at 14-15/10/2022 in Nuremberg
Schmitt R, Hesse N, Grunz JP, Christopoulos G, Giunta R: MRI imaging of malignant tumours of the forearm and hand. 62nd Congress of the German Society for Hand Surgery at 06-08/10/2022 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Schmitt R, Kalb K, Luetkens K, Haas-Lützenberger E, Hesse N: Clinical and radiological requirements for optimal MRI diagnostics of the hand. 62nd Congress of the German Society for Hand Surgery at 06-08/10/2022 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Schmitt R: Foot. Large MRI course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 01-02/10/2022 (online course)
Schmitt R: Hand. Large MRI course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 01-02/10/2022 (online course)
Schmitt R: Hip and elbow. Large MRI course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 01-02/10/2022 (online course)
Schmitt R: Shoulder. Large MRI course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 01-02/10/2022 (online course)
Schmitt R: MRI examination techniques on the hand. 23rd Joint Annual Conference of the Thuringian Society for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine e.V. and Saxon Radiological Society e.V. at 23-24/09/ 2022 in Zeulenroda
Schmitt R, Atzei A: Do we need a new classification for lesions of the wrist? Selected Lecture: "Battle" at 23/06/2022 in Munich
Schmitt R: Radiological diagnostics in hand surgery. Annual meeting of the German Interest Group for Outpatient Hand Surgery (DIAH) at 23-26/06/2022 in Freiburg
Schmitt R: Anatomy and biomechanics of the carpus. Symposium of the Institute of Radiology of the University of Wuerzburg at 04/06/2022 in Wuerzburg
Schmitt R: Arthrography of the joints of the upper extremity. Advanced training of the Institute of Radiology of the University of Wuerzburg at 03/06/2022 in Wuerzburg
Schmitt R: Foot. Advanced course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 30/04/-01/05/2022 in Muelheim/Ruhr
Schmitt R: Hand. Advanced course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 30/04/-01/05/2022 in Muelheim/Ruhr
Schmitt R: Hip and elbow. Advanced course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 30.04.-01/05/2022 in Muelheim/Ruhr
Schmitt R: Shoulder. Advanced course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 30.04.-01/05/2022 in Muelheim/Ruhr
Schmitt R: MR techniques for the examination of the fingers (2D, 3D). 8th Annual Conference of the German Society for Musculoskeletal Radiology (DGMSR) at 28-30/04/2022 in Berlin
Schmitt R: Tendons and tendon sheaths in the hand. Advanced training of the Institute of Radiology of the University of Wuerzburg at 28/03/ 2022 in Wuerzburg
Schmitt R: Foot. Basic course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 12/03/ 2022 (online course)
Schmitt R: Hand. Basic course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 12/03/ 2022 (online course)
Schmitt R: Hip and elbow. Basic course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 12/03/2022 (online course)
Schmitt R: Shoulder. Basic course of the Radiologie-Fortbildung Neuss at 12/03/2022 (online course)
Schmitt R: TFCC and carpal ligaments. Spring conference of the VSNR at 04/02/2022 in Baden-Baden
Hesse N, Schmitt R: Hand - Pearls and Pitfalls. The Garmisch Symposium International at 19-21/01/2022 (online lecture)
Lectures 2021
Heiss R, Weber MA, Schmitt R, Rehnitz C, Laqmani A, Sternberg A, Ellermann J, Nagel AM, Arkudas A, Horch R, Uder M, Roemer FW: Clinical Application of Ultra-High Field MRI for Wrist Imaging: A Multi-Reader Comparison of 3T and 7T. Annual Assembly of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) at 28/11/- 2/12/2021 in Chicago
Schmitt R: Diagnostics of the foot. Radiological training Neuss (basic course) at 13-14/11/2021 (online course)
Schmitt R: Diagnostics of the hand. Radiological training Neuss (basic course) at 13-14/11/2021 (online course)
Schmitt R: Diagnostics of the hip and elbow. Radiological training Neuss (basic course) at 13-14/11/2021 (online course)
Schmitt R: Diagnostics of the shoulder. Radiological training Neuss (basic course) at 13-14/11/2021 (online course)
Schmitt R: Deformities of the foot. Early radiological training of the Clinic and Clinic for Radiology of the LMU Munich at 22/10/2021
Schmitt R: Radiological diagnostics of the hand. Radiological advanced training Neuss (advanced course) at 02-03/10/2021 (online course)
Schmitt R: Radiological diagnostics of the foot. Radiological training Neuss (advanced course) at 02-03/10/2021 (online course)
Schmitt R: Elbow update. 5th training week musculoskeletal radiology of the DGMSR at 27/09/-01/10/2021 in Costa d'en Blanes, Mallorca
Schmitt R: Tendon pathologies. 5th Training Week Musculoskeletal Radiology of the DGMSR at 27/09/-01/10/2021 in Costa d'en Blanes, Mallorca
Schmitt R: Scaphoid fracture. 5th Training Week Musculoskeletal Radiology of the DGMSR at 27/09/-01/10/2021 in Costa d'en Blanes, Mallorca
Schmitt R: Carpal osteonecrosis. 5th Training Week Musculoskeletal Radiology of the DGMSR at 27/09/-01/10/2021 in Costa d'en Blanes, Mallorca
Schmitt R: TFCC. 5th Training Week Musculoskeletal Radiology of the DGMSR at 27/09/-01/10/2021 in Costa d'en Blanes, Mallorca
Schmitt R: Carpal osteonecrosis. 5th Training Week Musculoskeletal Radiology of the DGMSR at 27/09/-01/10/2021 in Costa d'en Blanes, Mallorca
Schmitt R: X-ray of the hand - rheumatological diseases vs. polyarthrosis. 5th Training Week Musculoskeletal Radiology of the DGMSR at 27/09/-01/10/2021 in Costa d'en Blanes, Mallorca
Schmitt R: TFCC and disc injuries and injuries of the extensor and flexor apparatus of the hand. German Radiological Congress at 7/03/ to 8/11/2021 at 21/05/2021 (digital congress)
Schmitt R: Differential diagnosis of systemic arthritis. Annual conference of the DGMSR at 22-24/04/2021 in Berlin
Schmitt R: Lightening and dark: gout, CPPD, hydroxyapatite. MSK knowledge. Essentials of radiology of the skeleton and joints, part 1 at 22-23/02/2021 (digital congress)
Schmitt R: The matrix, the mythical creature. MSK knowledge. Essentials of radiology of the skeleton and joints, part 1 at 22-23/02/2021 (digital congress)
Schmitt R: Capturing the whole lesion. MSK knowledge. Essentials of radiology of the skeleton and joints, part 1 at 22-23/02/2021 (digital congress)
Schmitt R: Classification of TFCC lesions. Advanced training of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Radiology of the LMU Munich at 23/02/2021 in Munich
Schmitt R: Lesions of the wrist: SLIL, LTIL, and TFCC. MR 2021 Garmisch Virtual. 19th MRI Symposium at 21-23/01/2021 (digital congress)
Schmitt R: Basic course MRI: Hand. MR 2021 Garmisch Virtual. Basic MRI course at 20-21/01/2021 (digital congress)
Lectures 2020
Schmitt R: Carpal instability - pathoanatomical basics. Advanced training of the Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology of the University of Wuerzburg at 10/12/2020 (digital training)
Schmitt R: Lesions of the TFCC. Frankfurt Interdisciplinary Symposium for Innovative Diagnostics and Therapy (FISI 2020) at 21/11/2020 (digital congress)
Schmitt R: Diagnosis of labral lesions of the hip joint. Advanced training of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Radiology of the LMU Munich at 28/10/2020 in Munich
Schmitt R: Scapholunate ligament injury. Advanced training course "Difficult MSK regions" of the DGMSR at 24/10/2020 in Hamburg
Schmitt R: Lightening and dark: gout, CPPD, hydroxyapatite. MSK knowledge. Essentials of radiology of the skeleton and joints, part 1 at 19-20/10/2020 (digital congress)
Schmitt R: The matrix, the mythical creature. MSK knowledge. Essentials of radiology of the skeleton and joints, part 1 at 19-20/10/2020 (digital congress)
Schmitt R: Capturing the whole lesion. MSK knowledge. Essentials of radiology of the skeleton and joints, part 1 at 19-20/10/2020 (digital congress)
Schmitt R: Anatomical-radiological correlations of the elbow, forearm, and hand. Part 1. advanced training of the Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology of the University of Wuerzburg at 10/09/2020 in Wuerzburg
Schmitt R, Hesse N: Update - Imaging of the wrist Early training of the Department of Hand Surgery and Plastic-Aesthetic Surgery of the LMU Munich at 06/09/2020 in Munich
Schmitt R: MRI of the elbow. Advanced training of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Radiology of the LMU Munich at 07/07/2020 in Munich
Schmitt R: Cardiac phase contrast angiography. Advanced training course at the Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology at the University of Wuerzburg at 09/07/2020 in Wuerzburg
Schmitt R: Hand and foot. MRI basic course of the Radiological Advanced Training Neuss (RFN) at 27/06/2020 (digital congress)
Schmitt R: Hip. MRI basic course of the Radiologische Fortbildung Neuss (RFN) at 27/06/2020 (digital congress)
Schmid A, Metz C, Schmitt R: Maffucci syndrome. 101st German Radiology Congress and 9th Joint Congress of the DRG and ÖRG at 20-23/05/2020 (digital congress)
Knarr J, Schmitt R, Mühldorfer-Fodor M: Partial neuritis of a doubled median nerve. 101st German Radiology Congress and 9th Joint Congress of the DRG and ÖRG at 20-23/05/2020 (digital congress)
Grunz J , Kunz A , Schmitt R , Gietzen C , Weng A , Veyhl-Wichmann M , Ergün S , Bley T , Gassenmaier T: 3D cone-beam CT of the wrist: evaluation of image quality and radiation dose of a multifunctional X-ray system. 101st German Radiology Congress and 9th Joint Congress of the DRG and ÖRG at 20-23/05/2020 (digital congress)
Grunz J , Weng A , Pennig L , Gietzen C , Kunz A , Ergün S , Bley T , Schmitt R , Gassenmaier T: Cone-beam CT prototype of a multipurpose X-ray system: image quality of elbow scans compared to third-generation dual-source CT. 101st German Radiology Congress and 9th Joint Congress of the DRG and ÖRG at 20-23/05/2020 (digital congress)
Kunz A , Gietzen C , Weng A , Pennig L , Veyhl-Wichmann M , Schmitt R , Ergrün S , Bley T, Gassenmaier T , Grunz J: Twin-Robotic X-ray System at the Wrist: Image Quality Comparison of the New Cone-Beam CT Prototype with a 3rd Generation Dual-Source CT Scanner. 101st German Radiology Congress and 9th Joint Congress of the DRG and ÖRG at 20-23/05/2020 (digital congress)
Gietzen C , Grunz J , Luetkens K , Wagner M , Kalb K , Bley T , van Schoonhoven J , Gassenmeier T , Schmitt R: The value of radial reconstructions for the detection of TFCC injuries in CT arthrography of the wrist. 101st German Radiology Congress and 9th Joint Congress of the DRG and ÖRG at 20-23/05/2020 (digital congress)
Schmitt R: TFCC - anatomy-based diagnostics. MSK kikk - short-intensive-compact-competent at 15/05/2020 (digital congress)
Schmitt R: Elbow I - adults. MSK kikk - short-intensive-compact-competent at 15/05/2020 (digital congress)
Schmitt R: Achilles tendon and plantar aponeurosis. 6th Annual Conference of the German Society for Musculoskeletal Radiology (DGMSR) at 23-25/04/2020 (digital congress)
Schmitt R: Achilles tendon and plantar aponeurosis. 6th Annual Conference of the German Society for Musculoskeletal Radiology (DGMSR) at 23-25/04/2020 DGMSR (digital congress)
Schmitt R: What is "rheumatism", what is not? MSK knowledge. Essentials of radiology of the skeleton and joints, part 2 at 17-18/02/2020 in Halle/Saale
Schmitt R: Fibrocartilage and meniscus. MSK knowledge. Essentials of radiology of the skeleton and joints, part 2 at 17-18/02/2020 in Halle/Saale
Schmitt R, Shahabpour M, Nöbauer-Huhmann I, McNally E, Glaser C: Interactive sessions hand/wrist and elbow, tumours and technique. Erasmus Course on Musculoskeletal MRI (from finger to toe) at 03-07/02/2020 in Essen
Schmitt R: The other fingers - joints, tendons and pulleys: what matters. Erasmus Course on Musculoskeletal MRI (from finger to toe) at 03-07/02/2020 in Essen
Schmitt R: Thumb - CMC and MCP joints. Erasmus Course on Musculoskeletal MRI (from finger to toe) at 03-07/02/2020 in Essen
Presentations 2019
Schmitt R: Radiology of the hand and wrist. Interactive workshop. Augsburg-Munich Skeleton and Joint Seminar on Tour at 07/12/2019 in Hamburg
Schmitt R. MRI diagnostics of the ligaments of the hand and elbow. MRI Initiative Hamburg 2019 at 12/11/2019 in Hamburg
Schmitt R: Topography of the thoracic organs. Course for transoesophageal echocardiography (TEE) at the Clinic for Anaesthesia Bad Neustadt at 10-15/11/2019 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Schmitt R. MRI of the elbow. Radiology Congress Ruhr 2019 at 07/11/2019 in Dortmund
Schmitt R: Fibrocartilage - meniscus, labrum, TFCC. MSK knowledge. Essentials of radiology of the skeleton and joints, part 2 at 21-22/10/2019 in Cologne
Schmitt R: What is "rheumatism", what is not? MSK knowledge. Essentials of radiology of the skeleton and joints, part 2 at 21-22/10/2019 in Cologne
Schmitt R: Update Hand and Wrist. Munich Sports Imaging Course 2019 at 10-12/10/2019 in Munich
Schmitt R: Rheumatic changes in the hand. Symposium of the Radiological University Clinic Ulm at 06.07.2019 in Ulm
Schmitt R: MRI of the hand - How to do? MR Compact 2019 at 27-29/06/2019 in Bamberg
Schmitt R, Kalb KH: Advanced imaging in Kienboeck's disease. IFSSH at 17-21/06/2019 in Berlin
Schmitt R: Anatomy and examination technique at the elbow. 5th Annual Conference of the German Society for Musculoskeletal Radiology (DGMSR) at 9-11/05/2019 in Berlin
Schmitt R: Guidelines for imaging of labral lesions of the hip joint. Advanced training course at the Orthopaedic University Hospital Wuerzburg at 15/04/2019 in Wuerzburg
Schmitt R: Radiology of the hand and wrist. Interactive workshop. Augsburg-Munich Skeleton and Joint Seminar on Tour at 09/03/2019 in Münster
Schmitt R: The finger pulley. 17th Arthroscopy and Diagnostics Course Selva Val Gardena At 16-23/02/2019 in Selva Val Gardena/Italy
Schmitt R: Update wrist. 17th Arthroscopy and Diagnostics Course Selva di Val Gardena at 16-23/02/2019 in Selva di Val Gardena/Italy
Schmitt R: Pulley lesions of the shoulder on MRI. 17th Arthroscopy and Diagnostics Course Selva di Val Gardena at 16-23/02/2019 in Selva di Val Gardena/Italy
Schmitt R: Bone and soft tissue lesions in X-ray, CT, MRI, and US: The essentials. Workshop for postgraduate training assistants in radiology, part 1 at 14-15/01/2019 in Halle/Saale
Presentations 2018
Schmitt R: Topography of the thoracic organs. Course for transoesophageal echocardiography (TEE) at the Clinic for Anaesthesia Bad Neustadt at 11-16/11/2018 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Schmitt R: Bone and soft tissue lesions in X-ray, CT, MRI, and US: The essentials. Workshop for postgraduate training assistants in radiology, part 1 at 10-11/12/2018 Cologne
Schmitt R: Osteonecrosis and impaction of the hand and elbow. Augsburg-Munich Skeleton and Joint Seminar at 09-10/11/2018 in Munich
Schmitt R: The ulnocarpal complex. New clinical and radiological considerations. Augsburg-Munich Skeleton and Joint Seminar at 09/10/11/2018 in Munich
Schmitt R: Diagnostics of scaphoid injuries. German Congress for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery (DKOU) at 23-26/10/2018 in Berlin
Schmitt R: Rheumatism and soft tissue: Arthritis vs osteoarthritis. 3rd Training Week "Musculoskeletal Radiology" of the German Society for Musculoskeletal Radiology (DGMSR) at 01-05/10/2018 in Portals Nous (Mallorca)
Schmitt R: Update on carpal ligament lesions. 3rd training week "Musculoskeletal Radiology" of the German Society for Musculoskeletal Radiology (DGMSR) at 01-05/10/2018 in Portals Nous (Mallorca)
Schmitt R: Bone and bone marrow. How I do it: Hand and wrist. 3rd training week "Musculoskeletal Radiology" of the German Society for Musculoskeletal Radiology (DGMSR) at 01-05/10/2018 in Portals Nous (Mallorca)
Schmitt R: Differential diagnoses of bone marrow oedema of the hand. Annual conference of the Thuringian and Saxon X-ray societies at 28-29/09/2018 in Weimar
Schmitt R: Biceps Pulley and Rotator Interval. 45th Annual Meeting of the International Skeletal Society at 26-28/09/2018 in Berlin
Schmitt R: MRI examination techniques on the carpus and fingers. MR Aktuell 2018 - Advanced training course in magnetic resonance imaging at 21-22/09/2018 in Münster
Schmitt R: Ligament and tendon pathologies of the elbow. MR Aktuell 2018 - Magnetic resonance imaging training course at 21-22/09/2018 in Muenster
Schmitt R: Imaging diagnostics at the elbow. MRI working group Bochum. Advanced training course at 05/09/2018 in Bochum
Schmitt R: Osteonecrosis and impaction of the hand and elbow. Augsburg-Munich Skeleton and Joint Seminar at 13-14/07/2018 in Munich
Schmitt R: The ulnocarpal complex. New clinical and radiological considerations. Augsburg-Munich Skeleton and Joint Seminar at 3-14/07/2018 in Munich
Schmitt R: MRI of the hand. How to do? MR Compact 2018 at 14-16/06/2018 in Bamberg
Grunz J, Gietzen C, Gassenmaier T, Wagner M, Prommersberger K, Bley T, Schmitt R: Algorithm for the comprehensive diagnosis of distal radius fractures. 99th German Radiology Congress at 9-12/05/2018 in Leipzig
Gietzen C, Grunz J, Fodor S, Pillukat T, Kalb K, Bley T, Schmitt R: Osteonecrosis of the scaphoid (Preiser's disease): Diagnostics using CT and contrast-enhanced MRI. 99th German Radiology Congress at 09-12/05/2018 in Leipzig
Schmitt R, Heidemeier A, Christopoulos G, Mühldorfer-Fodor M, Bley T, van Schoonhoven J: Imaging diagnosis of ulnar TFCC lesions according to the Atzei classification. 99th German Radiology Congress at 09-12/05/2018 in Leipzig
Schmitt R: Clinic and radiology of foot deformities. 99th German Radiology Congress at 09-12/05/2018 in Leipzig
Schmitt R: Differential diagnosis of the signal-compromised lunate. 4th Annual Conference of the German Society for Musculoskeletal Radiology at 12-14/04/2018 in Berlin
Schmitt R: Tips and tricks for CT/MR arthrography. 4th Annual Conference of the German Society for Musculoskeletal Radiology at 12-14/04/2018 in Berlin
Schmitt R: Diagnostics of spinal canal stenosis. Bastei Symposium of the Radiological Clinic of the TU Dresden at 23-25/03/ 2018 in Dresden
Schmitt R: Classification of intervertebral disc herniations. Bastei Symposium of the Radiological Clinic of the TU Dresden at 23-25/03/2018 in Dresden
Schmitt R: Injuries of the TFCC and the SL ligament. Webinar online training of the Academy of the German Radiological Society at 20/03/2018
Schmitt R: Tips and tricks for CT and MRI examinations of the hand. Radiology Congress North. Joint annual conference of the North German Radiological Society and the Radiological Society of Lower Saxony, Bremen and Saxony-Anhalt at 16-17/02/2018 in Hamburg
Schmitt R: Ligament and tendon pathologies of the elbow. Radiology Congress North. Joint annual conference of the North German Radiological Society and the Radiological Society of Lower Saxony, Bremen, and Saxony-Anhalt at 16-17/02/2018 in Hamburg
Schmitt R: Topography of the thoracic organs. Course for transoesophageal echocardiography (TEE) at the Clinic for Anaesthesia Bad Neustadt at 12-17/11/2017 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Lectures 2017
Schmitt R: Wrist and Carpus. Munich Sports Imaging Course 2017 at 12-14/10/2017 in Munich
Schmitt R: Epicondylitis and ligament injuries of the elbow. 70th Annual Conference and MTRA Conference of the Bavarian Radiological Society at 28-30/09/ 2017 in Wuerzburg
Schmitt R: Carpal instabilities. 70th Annual Conference and MTRA Conference of the Bavarian Radiological Society at 28-30/09/2017 in Wuerzburg
Schmitt R: Cartilage lesions, fractures and complex dislocations of the elbow. Training Week Musculoskeletal Radiology of the German Society for Musculoskeletal Radiology at 18-22/09/2017 in Portals Nous/Mallorca (Spain)
Schmitt R: Neuropathies of the elbow. Training Week Musculoskeletal Radiology of the German Society for Musculoskeletal Radiology at 18-22/09/2017 in Portals Nous/Mallorca (Spain)
Schmitt R: Variants, tendons and epicondyloses of the elbow. Training Week Musculoskeletal Radiology of the German Society for Musculoskeletal Radiology at 18-22/09/2017 in Portals Nous/Mallorca (Spain)
Schmitt R: Carpal pathologies in CT/MR arthrography. Training Week Musculoskeletal Radiology of the German Society for Musculoskeletal Radiology at 18-22/09/ 2017 in Portals Nous/Mallorca (Spain)
Schmitt R: Bone and soft tissue tumours. Training Week Musculoskeletal Radiology of the German Society for Musculoskeletal Radiology at 18-22/09/2017 in Portals Nous/Mallorca (Spain)
Schmitt R: Carpal instabilities. Training Week Musculoskeletal Radiology of the German Society for Musculoskeletal Radiology at 18-22/09/2017 in Portals Nous/Mallorca (Spain)
Schmitt R: Carpal osteonecrosis. Training Week Musculoskeletal Radiology of the German Society for Musculoskeletal Radiology at 18-22/09/2017 in Portals Nous/Mallorca (Spain)
Schmitt R: Scaphoid fracture and scaphoid pseudarthrosis. Training Week Musculoskeletal Radiology of the German Society for Musculoskeletal Radiology at 18-22/09/2017 in Portals Nous/Mallorca (Spain)
Schmitt R: Technique of CT and MR arthrography. Training week Musculoskeletal Radiology of the German Society for Musculoskeletal Radiology at 18-22/09/2017 in Portals Nous/Mallorca (Spain)
Schmitt R: MRI techniques on thumb and fingers. Training week Musculoskeletal Radiology of the German Society for Musculoskeletal Radiology at 18-22/09/2017 in Portals Nous/Mallorca (Spain)
Schmitt R: Biomechanics of the carpus. Training Week Musculoskeletal Radiology of the German Society for Musculoskeletal Radiology at 18-22/09/2017 in Portals Nous/Mallorca (Spain)
Schmitt R: Injuries of the hand. Radiological summer school "From the hand to the mouth" (Alfried-Krupp-Wissenschaftskolleg) at 19-22/06/2017 in Greifswald (Germany)
Schmitt R: Carpal structural disorders. Radiological summer school "From the hand to the mouth" (Alfried-Krupp-Wissenschaftskolleg) at 19-22/06/2017 in Greifswald
Schmitt R: Differential diagnosis of bone tumours of the hands and feet. 98th German Radiology Congress and 8th Joint Congress of the DRG and ÖRG at 24-27/05/2017 in Leipzig
Schmitt R: Destabilising injuries of the TFCC: MRI strategies. International Symposium "25 Years Clinic for Hand Surgery Bad Neustadt" at 25-26/05/2017 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Schmitt R: Coordination disorders of the musician's hand from the radiologist's perspective. Symposium " Music as a resource - musicians take centre stage " at 11-13/05/2017 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Schmitt R: MRI of the carpal ligaments. 15th Arthroscopy and Diagnostics Course at 18-25/02/2017 in Selva di Val Gardena/Italy
Lectures 2016
Schmitt R: 3D reconstructions for fractures of the shoulder and elbow joint. Symposium "Fracture Day - Controversial topics in focus" at 12/11/2016 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Schmitt R: Lunate viability using advanced MRI technology. 13th International Congress of the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand (IFSSH) at 24-28/10/2016 in Buenos Aires/Argentina
Schmitt R: Osteoarthritis of the wrist: SLAC wrist and SNAC wrist. 69th Annual Conference and MTRA Conference of the Bavarian Radiological Society at 13-15/10/2016 in Kempten
Schmitt R: Cardiac CT - New diagnostic possibilities with current CT technology. Karlsruhe Hospital "Radiology in Focus" at 12/10/2016 in Karlsruhe
Schmitt R: Cardio-CT for arrhythmia, wall motion abnormalities and valvular disease. Cardioradiological Symposium of the Paracelsius University at 30/09/-01/10/2016 in Salzburg
Schmitt R: MRI Intensive Course Joints: Wrist and Hand. 17th Joint Annual Conference of the Thuringian Society for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine and the Saxon Radiological Society at 02-04/09/2016 in Suhl
Schmitt R: Essentials in CT and MRI diagnostics of the hand - Part II. 20th Thuringian Radiologists' Talk at 27/04/2016 in Weimar
Schmitt R: Osteonecrosis and subchondral fractures of the upper extremity. 2nd Annual Conference of the German Society for Musculoskeletal Radiology at 15-16/04/2016 in Berlin
Schmitt R: MRI of the hand. The applications: How to do? MR Compact 2016 at 07-09/07/2016 in Bamberg
Schmitt R: Wrist: MRI pathology. Elbow and wrist course "Arthroscopy meets MRI" at 01-02/07/2016 in Tuebingen
Schmitt R: Ulnar wrist pain. MRI diagnostics - is the TFCC always to blame for the complaints. 21st Mainz-Wiesbaden Trauma-Surgical-Orthopaedic Symposium "The painful wrist" at 18/06/2016 in Wiesbaden
Schmitt R: Biomechanics of the stable and unstable carpus. 1st Sylt Spring Course of the German Society for Musculoskeletal Radiology at 18/03/2016 in Westerland/Sylt
Schmitt R: Osteonecroses of the wrist and their differential diagnoses. Osteology Congress 2016 of the DVO at 03-05/03/2016 in Essen
Schmitt R: Imaging diagnostics for carpal instabilities. 21st advanced training seminar of the German Society for Hand Surgery at 26/02/2016 in Bonn
Schmitt R: Radiology of the carpus with anatomical and biomechanical principles. Dialogue "Radiology - Nuclear Medicine" of the University Hospital Wuerzburg at 24/02/2016 in Wuerzburg
Schmitt R: MRI of the hand in rheumatological diseases. Spring courses 2016 of the Association of Southwest German Radiologists and Nuclear Medicine at 29-30/01/2016 in Karlsruhe
Schmitt R: Cardio-vascular CT in multimorbid patients. 9th International Symposium Multislice CT at 20-23/01/2016 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Lectures 2015
König K, Schmitt R: CT hand and foot: indications, clinical findings. X-ray hand: indications, clinical findings. 45th advanced training congress for assistants in radiology, nuclear medicine, and radiotherapy at 04/05/12/2015 in Fürth
König K, Schmitt R: X-ray hand: indications, clinical findings. 45th advanced training congress for assistants in radiology, nuclear medicine, and radiotherapy at 04/05/12/2015 in Fürth
Schmitt R: 3D imaging and artefact reduction. Symposium at 04/11/2015 in Bad Neustadt
Schmitt R: Systematic diagnosis of the hand. Autumn conference of the Association of Southwest German Radiologists and Nuclear Medicine at 23/10/2015 in Karlsruhe
Schmitt R: Imaging of the midcarpus and fingers. 2nd Munich Sports Imaging Course at 16/17/10/2015 in Munich-Garching
Schmitt R: Differential diagnoses of spondyloarthropathies. Joint Austrian-Bavarian X-ray Congress on 01-03/10/2015 in Salzburg/Austria
Schmitt R: The unstable carpus: biomechanics and imaging. Webinar course of the German Radiological Society at 22/09/2015
Schmitt R: Fit despite civilisational hurdles. Lecture at the Ostheim Health Week at 05/08/2015 in Ostheim vor der Rhoen
Schmitt R: Progress in modern CT sectional image diagnostics. Inauguration ceremony for the Revolution CT at 17/07/2015 in Kassel
Schmitt R: Current techniques in cardio-MRI and -CT. Wednesday training for medicals at 01/07/2015 in Bad Neustadt
Schmitt R: MRI of the elbow and hand. Symposium "Musculoskeletal Diagnostics" at 27/06/2015 in Ulm
Schmitt R: MRI of the hand. How to do? MR Compact 2015 at 18-20/06/2015 in Bamberg
Schmitt R: Modern imaging in cardiology - What can modern CT and MRI scanners do? News from cardiology - 8th Bad Kissingen Colloquium at 20/05/2015 in Bad Kissingen
Schmitt R: Imaging diagnostics of the elbow. 96th German Radiology Congress at 13-16/05/2015 in Hamburg
Schmitt R: MRI diagnostics of the hand and elbow. 17th Thuringian Radiologists' Talk at 22/04/2015 in Weimar
Krug J, Nentwich K, Schade A, Deneke T, Schmitt R, Bansmann P, Horlitz M, Kerber S. Technological, procedural, and patient characteristics determine the risk for silent cerebral events in patients undergoing atrial fibrillation ablation. 81st Annual Meeting of the German Society of Cardiology at 08-11/04/2015 in Mannheim
Szöllösi GA, Schade A, Nentwich K, Krug J, Müller P, Roos M, Halbfaß P, Fodor S, Schmitt R, Deneke T: Incidence of silent cerebral events after atrial fibrillation ablation related to periprocedural anticoagulation management. 81st Annual Meeting of the German Society of Cardiology at 08-11/04/2015 in Mannheim
Kerber S, Schmitt R. Importance of cross-sectional imaging in interventional cardiology. 81st Annual Meeting of the German Society of Cardiology at 8-11/04/2015 in Mannheim
Schmitt R: CT angiography has a place in coronary diagnostics. Symposium "Cross-sectional imaging diagnostics and interventional cardiology hand in hand" at 19-20/03/2015 in Bad Neustadt
Schmitt R: Light and shadow of radiological cross-sectional imaging diagnostics: Fourth act. Rest MRI, stress MRI, 1.5 Tesla or 3.0 Tesla? Symposium "Cross-sectional imaging diagnostics and interventional cardiology hand in hand" at 19-20/03/2015 in Bad Neustadt
Schmitt R: First experiences in cardiac imaging using the Revolution CT scanner. 20th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Radiology at 04-07/03/2015 in Vienna
Schmitt R: Imaging diagnostics of the hand and elbow. Advanced training at the Heinrich-Braun-Klinikum Zwickau at 25/02/2015
Schmitt R: Cardiac diagnostics with the Revolution CT. Lunch symposium organised by GE Healthcare at the joint annual conference of the North German Radiology Societies at 20-21/02/2015 in Hanover
Schmitt R: The new possibilities of the Revolution CT. Opening ceremony for the commissioning of the Revolution CT at the Herz- und Gefäßklinik GmbH at 23/01/2015 in Bad Neustadt
Schmitt R: Postoperative imaging after stable-angle treatment of the hand, arm, shoulder and foot. 20th Hand Surgery Saturday at 17/01/2015 in Bad Neustadt
Schmitt R: First results of the Revolution CT. Lunch symposium organised by GE Healthcare at the 8th German Cardio Days at 15-17/01/2015 in Leipzig
Lectures 2014
Schmitt R: Carpal instabilities. 30th Autumn Symposium "Update - Joint Diagnostics of the Upper Extremity" at 22/11/2014 in Munich
Schmitt R: Anatomy, variants and pitfalls - MRI of the wrist. 30th Autumn Symposium "Update - Joint Diagnostics of the Upper Extremity" at 22/11/2014 in Munich
Schmitt R: Radiological diagnostics of the upper extremity in the elderly. Advanced training event at the Clinic for Shoulder Surgery at 15/11/2014 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Schmitt R: Imaging diagnostics of the hand. Advanced training event of the radiologists of South Brandenburg at 12/11/2014 in Cottbus
Schmitt R: Cardiac anatomy. 6th course for transoesophageal echocardiography at 12/11/2012 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Schmitt R: CT and MRI of the hand: How do I do it? Webinar course of the German Radiological Society at 21/10/2014
Schmitt R: MRI of the hand. How to do? MR Compact 2014 at 03-05/07/2014 in Bamberg
Schmitt R: CT and MR arthrography of the hand. 95th German Radiology Congress at 28-31/05/2014 in Hamburg
Schmitt R: CT and MRI of the hand: Performance and image interpretation. Annual conference of the Central German Working Group for Hand Surgery at 24/05/2014 in Regensburg
Schmitt R: MR angiography of the pelvic-leg-foot arteries. Contrast-enhanced MR examinations - practical for everyday use. Scientific event at 29/03/2014 in Heidelberg
Schmitt R, Prommersberger KJ: Carpal instabilities and TFCC injuries. 12th Arthroscopy and Diagnostics Course at 15-22/02/2014 in Selva di Val Gardena/Italy
Schmitt R: Osteonecrosis and inflammation of the hand. 12th Arthroscopy and Diagnostics Course at 15-22/02/2014 in Selva di Val Gardena (Italy)
Schmitt R: Innovations in imaging diagnostics of the hand. 19th Hand Surgery Saturday at 18/01/2014 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Lectures 2013
Schmitt R: MRI imaging of the hand. Advanced training by the MRT-Arbeitskreis Bochum at 20/11/2013 in Bochum
Schmitt R: Radiology of the hand - examination techniques and image interpretation. 66th Annual Conference of the Bavarian Radiological Society with MTRA Conference at 18-19/10/2013 in Bamberg
Schmitt R: Wrist and Carpus. Munich Sports Imaging Course at 11-12/10/2013 in Munich
Schmitt R: Injuries to the carpal ligaments and the ulnocarpal complex (TFCC). Freiburg Radiological Days at 19-20/07/2013 in Freiburg/Breisgau
Schmitt R: Direct arthrography of the hand including anatomy of the carpus. Heidelberg Summer School. Musculoskeletal Cross Sectional Imaging 2013 at 05-06/07/2013 in Heidelberg
Schmitt R: Postoperative diagnostics of the hand. 94th German Radiology Congress at 29/05/-2/06/2013 in Hamburg
Schmitt R: Staying fit despite the hurdles of civilisation. Bad Kissingen Health Days at 26-27/04/2013
Schmitt R: MR angiography of the pelvic-leg-foot arteries. Contrast-enhanced MR examinations - practical for everyday life. Scientific event at 20/04/2013 in Frankfurt
Schmitt R: Joint diagnostics: hand and wrist. "Radiologie aktuell" at 22-23/03/2013 in Leipzig
Schmitt R: Lunate and skeletal pathologies. 11th Arthroscopy and Diagnostics Course at 16-23/02/2013 in Selva di Val Gardena/Italy
Schmitt R: TFCC and ligament diagnostics. 11th Arthroscopy and Diagnostics Course at 16-23/02/2013 in Selva di Val Gardena/Italy
Schmitt R: Diagnosis of carpal instabilities. 11th Arthroscopy and Diagnostics Course at 16-23/02/2013 in Selva di Val Gardena/Italy
Schmitt R: Ligament injuries and instabilities of the hand. Joint annual conference of the North German Radiological Societies at 15-16/02/2013 in Bremen
Schmitt R: Essentials for MRI of the hand. 12th International MRI Congress at 24-26/01/2013 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Lectures 2012
Schmitt R: Contrast-enhanced MR angiography. Practical for everyday life. Scientific event at 21/11/2012 in Weimar
Schmitt R: Postoperative diagnostics on the shoulder. Shoulder symposium at 09/11/2012 in Bad Neustadt
Schmitt R: Diagnostic technique on the wrist. 65th Annual Conference of the Bavarian Radiological Society e.V. with MTRA Conference at 27-29/09/2012 in Erlangen
Schmitt R: Imaging possibilities in the assessment of Kienboecks's disease. 84th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Surgery of the Hand (ASSH) at 06-08/09/2012 in Chicago/USA
Schmitt R: MRI diagnostics of the hand and elbow joint. Medical Summer Academy of the Alfried-Bohlen-Wissenschaftskolleg at 02-06/07/2012 in Greifswald
Schmitt R: Anatomical and functional basics of the stable and unstable wrist. 17th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology (ESSR) at 28-30/06/2012 in Innsbruck/Austria
Schmitt R: MRI of the hand. How to do. MR Compact 2012 at 14-16/06/2012 in Bamberg
Schmitt R: Diagnostic methods of the radiologist. Standard today? Options tomorrow? IBRA symposium and workshop "Fractures and ligament injuries of the wrist" at 15-16/06/2012 in Kiel
Schmitt R, Wagner M, Fodor S: Traumatic ligament injuries of the hand. 93rd German Radiology Congress at 16-19/05/2012 in Hamburg
Schmitt R: Case discussion in musculoskeletal diagnostics. 93rd German Radiology Congress at 16-19/05/2012 in Hamburg
Schmitt R, Kouky K, Christopoulos G: Classifications and measurements of the hand that everyone should know. 93rd German Radiology Congress at 16-19/05/2012 in Hamburg
Schmitt R, Herrmann KG: Basics of imaging inflammation diagnostics. 93rd German Radiology Congress at 16-19/05/2012 in Hamburg
Schmitt R: MRI diagnostics in hand surgery. Spring conference of the German Interest Group for Outpatient Hand Surgery (DIAH) at 4-6/05/2012 in Fulda
Lectures 2011
Schmitt R: Cardiac anatomy. 4th course for transoesophageal echocardiography at 14/11/2011 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Schmitt R: Basics of prone chest X-ray in the intensive care unit. Advanced training of the Clinic for Anaesthesiology at 07/11/2011 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Schmitt R: Angiography. Contrast-enhanced MR examinations - practical for everyday use. Scientific event at 29/10/2011 in Leipzig
Schmitt R: MRI diagnostics of the hand: diagnostics of inflammatory changes. Radiology Congress Ruhr at 13-15/10/2011 in Bochum
Schmitt R: MRI of inflammatory changes in the hand. 64th Annual Conference of the Bavarian Radiological Society with MTRA Conference at 06-08/10.2011 in Munich
Schmitt R: Wrist: Overlooked and its consequences. Expert aspects of joint diagnostics. 92nd German Radiology Congress at 01-04/06/2011 in Hamburg
Schmitt R. Wrist: MR anatomy, norm variants and pitfalls. 92nd German Radiology Congress at 01-04/06/2011 in Hamburg
Schmitt R: Diagnostics of the hand. Internet-based training (webinar) of the German Radiological Society at 07/03/2011
Schmitt R: Imaging of scaphoid pseudarthrosis. 17th Hand Surgery Saturday at 22/01/2011 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Schmitt R: Peripheral angiography. Tips and tricks in everyday radiological practice. Lunch symposium at the International MRI Congress 2011 at 12-15/01/2011 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Lectures 2010
Schmitt R: Cardiac anatomy. 3rd course for transesophageal echocardiography at 15/11/2010 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Schmitt R: Radiology of the traumatised hand. Seminar for skeletal radiology at 11-13/11/2010 in Bremen
Schmitt R: Wrist. Fit for the specialist (FFF). Radiology Congress Ruhr 2010 at 28-30/10/2010 in Bochum
Schmitt R: MRA: How much gadolinium is necessary? Symposium "Contrast-enhanced MR examinations - practical for everyday use" at 16/10/2010 in Stuttgart
Schmitt R: 3D imaging of the hand: future or already routine? Austrian-Bavarian Radiology Congress 2010 at 07-09/10/2010 in Linz/Austria
Schmitt R: Radiological diagnosis of ulnocarpal wrist pain. 51st Congress of the German Society for Hand Surgery at 07-09/10/2010 in Nuremberg, Germany
Schmitt R: MRI of the wrist. 11th Framkfurt Interdisciplinary Symposium for Innovative Diagnostics and Therapy (FISI 2010) at 24-25/09/2010 in Frankfurt
Schmitt R: MRI of the wrist. Refresher course "MR of the joints" at the 11th Joint Annual Conference of the Thuringian and Saxon X-ray Societies at 17-19/09/2010 in Zeulenroda
Schmitt R: Advanced imaging of the wrist. Workshop "The difficult wrist" at 18-19/06/2010 in Marbach/Neckar
Schmitt R: MRI of the wrist. How to do? MR 2010 Compact at 10-12/06/2010 in Bamberg
Schmitt R: Osteonecrosis of the carpus. Refresher course at the 91st German Radiology Congress at 12-15/05/2010 in Berlin
Schmitt R: CT and MRI diagnostics for oncological issues in the visceral region. XXXV Kissingen Colloquium and 54th Continuing Medical Education Course "Oncological Diagnostics and Therapy in Visceral Medicine" at 24/04/2010 in Bad Kissingen
Schmitt R: MDCT of distal radius fractures and traumatic scapholunate dissociation. 22nd Meeting of the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) at 07-11/03/2010 in Vienna/Austria
Schmitt R: Indications and quality assurance in X-ray diagnostics from a medical perspective. Course for updating specialist knowledge for doctors in accordance with RoeV at 27/02/2010 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Schmitt R: Imaging of the peripheral nerves. 16th Hand Surgery Saturday at 23/01/2010 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Lectures 2009
Gietzen FH, Schmitt R, Kerber S: Update cardiac imaging. Advanced training for practising internists at 27/10/- 2/11/2009 in Santa Cruz/Tenerife
Schmitt R: Carpal instability and avascular bone lesions at the carpus. 26th Autumn Symposium of North German Radiologists at 14-15/11/2009 in Celle
Schmitt R: Cardiac anatomy. 3rd course for transoesophageal echocardiography at 09/11/2009 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Schmitt R: Magnetic resonance imaging of the hand. Autumn conference of the German Interest Group for Ambulant Hand Surgery (DIAH) at 07/11/2009 in Fulda
Schmitt R: Trauma diagnostics around the scaphoid bone. 62nd Annual Conference of the Bavarian Radiological Society at 09-11/10/2009 in Murnau
Hampe R, Brunn J, Fröhner S, Schmitt R, Schumacher, Kerber S: Importance of the "triple rule-out" protocol using dual-source CT in everyday clinical practice. 33rd Autumn Meeting and 20th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Research Working Group on Pacemakers and Arrhythmias at 02.10.2009 in Dresden
Langbein A, Schade A, Spehl S, Koller ML, Fröhner S, Schmitt R, Kerber S, Schumacher B: Efficacy of a tailored single balloon approach for pulmonary vein isolation with the cryoballoon technique. HRG Bouton 2009
Schmitt R, van Schoonhoven J: Radiology for non-radiologists: Imaging diagnosis of sports injuries. Workshop at the 90th German Radiology Congress at 20-23/05/2009 in Berlin
Schmitt R, Fröhner S, Fodor S, Christopoulos G: Hand - joint diagnostics and expertises. Refresher course at the 90th German Radiology Congress at 20-23/05/2009 in Berlin
Schmitt R: Radiology of carpal instability. Colloquium of the Radiological University Clinic at 11/03/2009 in Tuebingen
Schmitt R: Imaging diagnostics in infections of the hand. Annual Symposium of the Austrian Society for Hand Surgery at 07/03/2009 in Steyr/Austria
Schmitt R: Dobutamine stress MRI. Symposium "Cardiac CT and MRI Diagnostics: Update Symposium 2009" at 05-06/02/2009 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale, Germany
Mühling O, Schmitt R: Case presentations on cardiac stress MRI. Symposium "Cardiac CT and MRI diagnostics: Update Symposium 2009" at 05-06/02/2009 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Lectures 2008
Schmitt R: Computed tomography of the wrist. 38th advanced training course for medical assistants of the Bavarian State Medical Association at 05-06/12/2008 in Nuremberg
Schmitt R: State-of-the-art MRI of the elbow and hand. 14th Radiological Training Course of the Katharinenhospital Stuttgart and the University Hospital Tuebingen at 22/11/2008 in Stuttgart
Schmitt R: Radiological joint diagnostics of the hand. 25th Autumn Symposium "Strategies in Diagnostic Radiology" at 15/11/2008 in Munich
Schmitt R: Imaging findings in disorders of the radius. All Around the Radius - 1st IBRA Scientific Symposium and Workshop for Upper Limb Surgery at 06-08/11/2008 in Basel/Switzerland
Schmitt R: Cardiac anatomy in computed tomography and MR tomography. 3rd course for transesophageal echocardiography at 10/11/2008 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale, Germany
Schmitt R: Cardiac anatomy. Refresher course at the 61st Annual Conference of the Bavarian Radiological Society at 17-19/10/2008 in Bad Windsheim
Schmitt R: Diagnostics and quantification of cardiac vitia using magnetic resonance imaging. Advanced training event of the Clinic for Radiology and Neuroradiology of the Augsburg Hospital at 11/06/2008 in Augsburg
Schmitt R: MRI of the heart. Symposium "MR Compact 2008" at 05-07/06/2008 in Bamberg
Schmitt R: Advanced imaging of wirst disorders. Workshop "The difficult wrist" of the European Wrist Arthroscopy Society at 16-17/05/2008 in Ludwigsburg
Schmitt R, Fodor S, Fröhner S, Kalb KH, Krimmer H, Christopoulos G: Contrast-enhanced MRI for the determination of bony viability in scaphoid pseudarthrosis. 89th German Radiology Congress and 5th Joint Congress of the German and Austrian Radiological Societies at 30/04/-3/05/2008 in Berlin
Schmitt R, Fodor S, Christopoulos G, Fröhner S, Eck M, Kalb KH, Prommersberger KJ: egleitruptur des Lig. scapholunatum bei intraartikulären Radiusfrakturen. Detection using CT arthrography. 89th German Radiology Congress and 5th Joint Congress of the German and Austrian Radiological Societies at 30/04/-3/05/2008 in Berlin.
Schmitt R: Radiology of the ulnocarpal complex. Symposium "Imaging diagnostics of the hand. Part 1: Trauma" at 04-05/04/2008 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Schmitt R: Radiology of the scaphoid fracture. Symposium "Imaging diagnostics of the hand. Part 1: Trauma" at 04 and 05/04/2008 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Schmitt R: Radiology of carpal instabilities. Symposium "Imaging diagnostics of the hand. Part 1: Trauma" at 04 and 05/04/2008 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Schmitt RR, Fodor S, Fröhner S, Megele K, Christopoulos G, Krimmer H: Contrast-enhanced MRI for the assessment of bone viability in scaphoid nonunion. 20th Meeting of the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) at 07-11/03/2008 in Vienna/Austria
Schmitt R, Kalb KH: Differential diagnosis and therapy of peripheral circulatory disorders. 14th Hand Surgery Saturday at 9/01/2008 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Lectures 2007
Schmitt R: Imaging diagnostics of the soft tissues of the hand. Association of Central German Hand Surgeons. Annual meeting at 10/11/2007 in Fulda
Schmitt R: Radiology of the hand. Trilateral Course at 0406/10/2007 in Prague/Czech Republic
Urbanski P, Lenos A, Savedra Blume JC, Ziegler V, Griewing B, Dinkel M, Schmitt R, Diegeler A: Does anatomical completeness of the circle of Willis correlate with sufficient cross perfusion during unilateral cerebral perfusion? 21st Annual Meeting of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery at 15-19/09/ 2007 in Geneva/Switzerland
Schmitt R: Radiology of the hand and wrist. Course "Musculoskeletal Radiology" at 05-07/07/2007 in Linz/Austria
Schmitt R: Radiological diagnostics and teleradiological care. Conference for junior executives of Rhoen-Klinikum AG at 25/06/2007 in Bad Neustadt/Saale
Schmitt R: Cardio-MRI: Clinical applications. MR Compact 2007 at 21-23/06/2007 in Bamberg
Schmitt R: MR angiography of the peripheral vessels. Technique, advantages, limitations. Advanced training of the Hospital of the Brothers of Mercy at 13/06/2007 in Trier
Schmitt R, Fodor S, Fröhner S, Christopoulos: Radiological diagnostics in sports injuries of the hand. Refresher course at the 88th German Radiology Congress at 16-19/05/2007 in Berlin
Schmitt R: Magnetic resonance imaging of the hand. MRI quality circle of the district of Upper Franconia at 19/03/2007 in Bayreuth
Schmitt R: Cardio-MRI: The all-rounder? Symposium "Cardiac CT and MRI diagnostics: Casuistics, workshops, application" at 08-09/02/2007 in Bad Neustadt/Saale
Schmitt R: Cardio-CT: Much ado about nothing? Symposium "Cardiac CT and MRI diagnostics: Case histories, workshops, application" at 08-09/02/2007 in Bad Neustadt/Saale
Lectures 2006
Schmitt R: Modern radiological diagnostics of the hand. 19th Osteoradiological Seminar at 09-11/11/2006 in Bremen
Schmitt R: MR-tomographic diagnostics of the hand. 7th Frankfurt Interdisciplinary Symposium for Innovative Diagnostics and Therapy (FISI 2006) at 13-14/10/2006 in Frankfurt am Main
Schmitt R: Anatomy of the heart. X-ray anatomy, CT anatomy, MRI anatomy. 57th Bavarian Congress of Radiology at 06-08/10/2006 in Bamberg
Schmitt R: Imaging diagnostics in hand surgery. Association of Central German Hand Surgeons. Annual meeting at 07/10/2006 in Kassel
Schmitt R: CT and MR imaging of thoracic aorta disease. Aortic Surgery Symposium (Volume One) at 07-08/09/ 2006 in Bad Neustadt/Saale
Schmitt R: MRI of the hand: Indication, technique, prospects. Advanced training of the University Hospital Rostock at 30/08/2006 in Rostock
Schmitt R: MRI of the hand. MR Compact 2006 at 07-09/07/2006 in Bamberg
Schmitt R: Cardio-MRI: Pathology. MR Compact 2006 at 07-09/07/2006 in Bamberg
R. Schmitt: Examination strategies in MRI diagnostics of the heart. Workshop "Imaging diagnostics of the heart" at 01/07/2006 in Bad Neustadt/Saale
R. Schmitt: Anatomical principles of cardiac diagnostics. Workshop "Imaging diagnostics of the heart" at 01/07/2006 in Bad Neustadt/Saale
Fröhner S, Coblenz G, Brunner H, Christopoulos G, Cherevatyy O, Wedell E, Schweiger H, Schmitt R: Inclusion of the foot arteries in MR angiography of the iliac-leg-foot arteries using a hybrid technique. 87th German Radiological Congress at 24-27/05/2006 in Berlin
Schmitt R: Radiological diagnostics in acute trauma of the hand. Refresher course at the 87th German Radiology Congress at 24-27/05/2006 in Berlin
Schmitt R: Disc changes and other work-related wrist pathologies. Refresher course at the 87th German Radiology Congress at 24-27/05/2006 in Berlin
Schmitt R: Complex imaging diagnostics of acute wrist trauma and its consequences. MRI training course of the Institute for Diagnostic Radiology of the Klinikum rechts der Isar at 06/05/2006 in Munich
Schmitt R: Imaging diagnostics of the hand. Conference "Radiologie aktuell" at 17-18/03/ 2006 in Leipzig
Schmitt R, Coblenz G, Froehner S, Christopoulos G, Pfaff B, Kalb KH: Dynamic carpal instability. Part I: The diagnostic use of kinematography. 18th Meeting of the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) at 03-07/03/2006 in Vienna/Austria
Schmitt R, Froehner S, Coblenz G, Kalb KH, Schmitt S, Christopoulos G: Dynamic carpal instability. Part II: Is contrast-enhanced MRI helpful for detecting scapholunate or lunotriquetral dissociation? 18th Meeting of the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) at 03-07/03/2006 in Vienna/Austria
Schmitt R: Diagnostic algorithm of wrist trauma and its consequences. Advanced training course "Symptom to diagnosis" of the Berufsgenossenschaftliche Unfallkliniken at 15/02/2006 in Halle an der Saale
Schmitt R: MRI of the heart for the differentiation of normal, ischaemic and scarred transformed myocardium. Spring courses 2006 of the Association of Southwest German Radiologists and Nuclear Medicine at 02-04/02/2006 in Karlsruhe
Schmitt R: Status of radiological diagnostics in the clinics of Rhoen-Kliniken AG. Conference of the Managing Directors and Medical Directors of the Rhoen-Klinikum Group at 27-28/01/2006 in Weimar
Lectures 2005
Schmitt R: MRI of the joints: wrist and hand. Intensive course of the Bavarian Radiological Society at 09/11/2005 in Munich
Schmitt R: Optimisation of leg-foot MR angiography. 58th Autumn Conference of the Bavarian Radiological Society at 14-16/10/2005 in Amberg
Coblenz G, Schmitt R: MR angiography of the carotid artery. 58th Autumn Conference of the Bavarian Radiological Society at 14-16/10/2005 in Amberg
Schmitt R: Imaging of the hand. Refresher course. 58th Autumn Conference of the Bavarian Radiological Society at 14-16/10/2005 in Amberg
Coblenz G, Fröhner S, Christopoulos G, Brunner H, Schmitt R: Diagnosis of the traumatised scaphoid using high-resolution CT and KM-enhanced MRI. 58th Autumn Conference of the Bavarian Radiological Society at 14-16/10/2005 in Amberg
Fröhner S, Christopoulos G, Coblenz G, Cherevatyy O, Schmitt R: MRI of bone and soft tissue tumours of the hand. 58th Autumn Conference of the Bavarian Radiological Society at 14-16/10/2005 in Amberg
Brunner H, Schmitt R: Functional imaging of valvular heart disease. 58th Autumn Conference of the Bavarian Radiological Society at 14-16/10/2005 in Amberg
Schmitt R: Imaging diagnostics of carpal diseases. Advanced training event at 05/10/2005 in Ludwigsburg
Schmitt R: Imaging diagnostics of bony injuries of the carpus. Advanced training event of the Stiftungsklinikum Mittelrhein gGmbH Koblenz at 07/09/2005 in Koblenz
Schmitt R: Imaging the scaphoid injury. 12th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology (ESSR) at 07-09/07/2005 in Oxford/England
Schmitt R: Cardio-MRI: Pathology. MR Compact 2005 at 09-11/06/2005 in Bamberg
Wedell E, Schweiger H, Schmitt R: Endovascular repair of a disrupted endoprosthesis in thoraco-abdominal aortic aneurysm. Annual Meeting of the Paris Course of Revascularisation (PCR) at 24-27/05/2005 in Paris
Schmitt R, Coblenz G, Fröhner S, Christopoulos G: Radiological diagnostics of the hand. Refresher course at the 86th German Radiology Congress at 04-07/05/2005 in Berlin
Schmitt R: Radiology of the hand: Which methods lead to the correct diagnosis? Ulm Radiological Colloquium at 21/04/2005 in Ulm
Müller S, Brunn J, Gietzen FH, Fröhner S, Cherevatyy O, Schumacher B, Neuser H, Schmitt R, Kerber S: Does MSCT of the coronaries improve the risk prediction for cardiac events compared to the isolated application of the NCEP criteria? 71st Annual Meeting of the German Society for Cardiology, Cardiovascular Research at 31/03/-2/04/2005 in Mannheim
Schmitt R: MRI of the joints: wrist and hand. Intensive course of the Bavarian Radiological Society at 19/02/2005 in Munich
R. Schmitt: Complex imaging of the carpus and wrist. Spring course 2005 of the Association of Southwest German Radiologists and Nuclear Medicine at 4-5/02/2005 in Karlsruhe
Schmitt R: Magnetic resonance imaging of the heart. State of the art. Interdisciplinary advanced training course "CT and MRI in everyday clinical practice" at 27-28/01/2005 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Lectures 2004
R. Schmitt: Modern radiological diagnostics in trauma of the wrist. Advanced training course of the Institute for Clinical Radiology of the Westphalian Wilhelms University of Münster at 08/12/2004 in Muenster
Schmitt R: Imaging diagnostics in scapholunate dissociation. 46th Conference of the German-speaking Working Group for Hand Surgery at 28-30/10/2004 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Brunner H, Gietzen F, Fröhner S, Kerber S, Schmitt R: MR-tomographic determination of viability, ischaemia and scar tissue of the myocardium using high-dose dobutamine stress and contrast-enhanced enhancement sequence. Joint annual conference of the Thuringian Society for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, the Saxon Radiological Society and the Bavarian Radiological Society at 08-10/10/2004 in Weimar
Schmitt R: Carpus - Diagnostics of chronic instability. 5th Frankfurt Interdisciplinary Symposium for Innovative Diagnostics and Therapy (FISI 2004) at 24-25/09/2004 in Frankfurt am Main
Schmitt R: Diagnosis of osteonecrosis of the carpus. 5th Frankfurt Interdisciplinary Symposium for Innovative Diagnostics and Therapy (FISI 2004) at 24-25/09/2004 in Frankfurt am Main
Schmitt R: Magnetic resonance imaging of the hand - an update. Lecture at the Bochum MRI working group at 22/09/2004 in Bochum
Schmitt R: Imaging of acute injuries of the hand and wrist: Plain film and CT. 11th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology (ESSR) at 16-18/06/2004 in Augsburg
Schmitt R, Coblenz G, Fröhner S, Megele K, Krimmer H, Christopoulos G: Avascular osteonecrosis of the proximal fragment in scaphoid nonunion: Is intraveneous application of contrast agent really necessary? 11th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology (ESSR) at 16-18/06/2004 in Augsburg
Schmitt R: Vascular diagnostics using contrast-enhanced MR angiography. Medical training of the Herz- und Gefäßklinik GmbH Bad Neustadt at 07/06/2004 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Schmitt R, Fröhner S, Brunner H, Gietzen F, Kubini R, Coblenz G, Kerber S, Christopoulos G: MR-tomographic determination of myocardial viability using a modified dobutamine and late-enhancement protocol. 85th German Radiology Congress at 19-22/05/2004 in Wiesbaden
Coblenz G, Fröhner S, Christopoulos G, Brunner H, Krimmer H, Schmitt R: Viability assessment of proximal fragments of scaphoid pseudarthrosis using contrast-enhanced MR tomography. 85th German Radiology Congress, 19-22/05/2004, Wiesbaden, Germany.
Schmitt R: MRI of the hand - An update. 52nd meeting of the MRI working group at 24/03/ 2004 in Hannover
Schmitt R: Radiology of injuries of the carpus. Spring conference of the Southwest German Radiological Association at 05-06/02/2004 in Karlsruhe
Lectures 2003
Schmitt R: Radiological diagnosis of aortic aneurysm and aortic dissection. Mastering Aortic Surgery at 20-22/11/2003 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Schmitt R: Radiological diagnosis of the traumatised wrist and carpus. 16th Osteoradiological Seminar at 13-15/11/2003 in Bremen
Schmitt R: Radiological diagnosis of the distal radioulnar joint. Annual meeting of the German Society for Trauma Surgery at 11-14/11/2003 in Berlin
Meier R, Schmitt R, Krimmer H: Value of direct MR arthrography in comparison to wrist arthroscopy. 44th Symposium of the German-speaking Working Group for Hand Surgery and the Groupe pour l'Étude de la Main at 23-25/10/2003 in Stuttgart
Schmitt R, Kerber S: Magnetic resonance imaging of the heart: latest developments and current indications. Medical training course of the Herz- und Gefäßklinik GmbH at 06/10/2003 in Bad Neustadt/Saale
Gietzen FH, Fröhner S, Brunn J, Schümmelfeder J, von Hoch F, Christopoulos G, Coblenz G, Schumacher B, Schmitt R, Kerber S: MRI in differential diagnosis, therapy planning and therapy monitoring in patients with suspected hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.5th Mainz Cardio-MR Symposium at 13-15/07/2003 in Mainz
Veth V, Brunn J, Naser H, Fröhner S, Schmitt R, Schumacher B, Kerber S: Cardio-CT for primary diagnosis of CHD in patients with atypical angina pectoris and cardiovascular risk profile. 5th Mainz Cardio-MR Symposium at 13-15/07/2003 in Mainz
Wagner M, Fröhner S, Brunn J, Coblenz G, Cherevatyy O, Gietzen F, Schmitt R: Anomalies of the coronary arteries: Detection and characterisation using multislice spiral CT. 5th Mainz Cardio-MR Symposium at 13-15/07/2003 in Mainz.
Schmitt R: Cardio-MRI: Pathological findings. MR Compact 2003 at 26-28/06/2003 in Bamberg
Schmitt R: Imaging diagnostics of tumours of the hand. 44th Austrian Congress of Surgeons at 19-21/06/2003 in Bregenz/Austria
Schmitt R: Modern radiology of the wrist and carpus. Colloquium of the Radiological University Clinic at 18/06/2003 in Tuebingen
Coblenz G, Fröhner S, Christopoulos G, Kalb KH, Krimmer H, Schmitt R: Diagnosis of the scaphoid using high-resolution computed tomography. 84th German Radiology Congress at 28-31/05/2003 in Wiesbaden
Schmitt R: Use of computed tomography and MR tomography in diseases of the hand. Spring Conference of the German Interest Group for Outpatient Hand Surgery in 16-18/05/2003 in Pullach/Munich
Schmitt R, Fröhner S: Magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of HOCM. Seminar "Practical HOCM therapy" at 08-9/05/2003 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Schmitt R: Carpal tunnel syndrome and tumours. Radiological Hand Surgery Colloquium of the University Clinic for Radiodiagnostics Vienna at 21-22/03/ 2003 in Vienna
Fröhner S, Wagner M, Brunn J, Kerber S, Coblenz G, Cherevatyy O, Schmitt R: Congenital anomalies of the coronary arteries: Detection and characterisation by using multi-slice CT. 15th Meeting of the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) at 02-06/03/ 2003 in Vienna
Schmitt R: Radiological diagnostics of the finger joints. 9th Hand Surgery Saturday at 18/01/2003 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Lectures 2002
Prommersberger KJ, Christopoulos G, Schmitt R, Lanz U: Cross section area of the carpal tunnel in malunited distal radial fractures. 57th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand 2002 in Phoenix
Kalb K, Schmitt R, Landsleitner B: Osteoid osteoma of the carpal bones. 7th Congress of the Federation of the European Societies for Surgery of the Hand 2002 in Amsterdam
Kerber S, Brunn J, Veth V, Fröhner S, Schmitt R: Multislice computed tomography of the heart (cardio-CT) - value in the staged diagnosis of coronary heart disease. 32nd Annual Meeting of the Working Group Clinical Lipid Metabolism at 28-29/11/2002 in Maikammer
Schmitt R: Modern CT and MRI diagnostics of the carpus. Meeting of the German-French-Swiss Hand Club at 23/11/2002 in Basel
Prommersberger J, Schmitt R: Traumatology of the wrist and carpus. 15th Osteoradiological Seminar at 14-16/11/2002 in Bremen
Schmitt R: X-ray anatomy and modern examination techniques (projection radiography, CT, MRI, sonography) of the wrist and carpus. 15th Osteoradiological Seminar at 14-16/11/2002 in Bremen
Schmitt R: MRI in vascular diseases of the upper extremity. Symposium "Gefäßdiagnostik" at 01-03/11/2002 in Wuerzburg
Meier R, Schmitt R, Christopoulos G, Kimmer H: Carpal injuries: diagnostic impact of direct MR arthrography compared with wrist arthroscopy. 5th European Trauma Congress 2002 in Vienna
Kalb K, Schmitt R, Landsleitner B: The osteoid osteoma of the carpus. German Orthopaedic Congress at 26/09/2002 in Berlin
Schmitt R: Presentation of the new MSCT technology. CT diagnostics of the heart - an assessment of the current situation. Event at 25/09/2002 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Schmitt R: Imaging diagnostics of the upper extremity. Medical District Association Bamberg at 19/09/2002 in Bamberg
Wedell E, Coblenz G, Fröhner S, Schmitt R: Filter-associated recanalisation of femoro-popliteal occlusions with the Rotarex system. 18th Annual Congress of the German Society for Vascular Surgery at 11-14/09/2002 in Wuerzburg
Schmitt R, Coblenz G, Christopoulos G, Binder F, Fröhner S, Wedell E, Dahl P, Schweiger H: MR angiography of the iliac arteries: Indications, examination strategies, interpretations, limitations. 18th Annual Congress of the German Society for Vascular Surgery at 11-14/09/2002 in Wuerzburg
Schmitt R, Christopoulos G, Fröhner S, Hoffmann-Fölkersamb D, Hirschelmann R, Ehresmann N, Schweiger H: Dezidierte MR-Angiographie der pedalen Arterien beim pAVK-Stadium IV. 18. Jahreskongreß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gefäßchirurgie am 11.-14/09/2002 in Wuerzburg
Schmitt R: Radiological diagnostics of the wrist. 111th Scientific Conference of the Rheinisch-Westfälische Röntgengesellschaft at 4/09/2002 in Krefeld
Prommersberger J, Christopoulos G, Schmitt R, Lanz U: Cross section area of the carpal tunnel in malunited distal radial fractures. 57th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Surgery of the Hand at 15-17/10/2002 in Phoenix
Schmitt R: Cardio-MRI: Pathological findings. Symposium "MR Compact 2002" at 06-08/06/2002 in Bamberg
Kalb K, Schmitt R, Landsleitner B: Osteoid osteoma of the carpal bones. 8th Congress of the IESSH at 22-25/05/2002 in Amsterdam/Holland.
Schmitt R, Christopoulos G, Fröhner S: CT of the hand: Performance and clinical-radiological image interpretation. Refresher course. 83rd German Radiology Congress at 08-11/05/2002 in Wiesbaden
Schmitt R: Modern radiological diagnostics of the wrist. Advanced training event at Augsburg Hospital at 20/03/2002 in Augsburg
Schmitt R, Kerber S: New methods in diagnostics with imaging techniques. Meeting of the Rotary Club of Northern Bavaria at 10/03/2003 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Fröhner S, Schmitt R, Christopoulos G, Coblenz G, Kalb KH, Krimmer H: Computer-aided virtual arthroscopy based on MR arthrography in comparison with arthroscopic findings: additional diagnostic possibilities. 14th Meeting of the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) at 01-05/03/2002 in Vienna/Austria
Christopoulos G, Schmitt R, Fröhner SC, Kalb KH, Hahn P, Krimmer H: MRI of the painful wrist: Different signal intensity patterns of the lunate bone. 14th Meeting of the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) at 01-05/03/2002 in Vienna/Austria
Schmitt R: Radiological diagnosis of the fresh scaphoid fracture. 4th Helios Expert Meeting for Trauma Surgery in Erfurt at 22/02/2002 in Erfurt
Schmitt R: Modern radiological diagnostics for carpal diseases. Annual advanced training of the Clinic for Hand Surgery at 26/01/2002 in Bad Neustadt/Saale
Lectures 2001
Fröhner S, Coblenz G, Christopoulos G, Schmitt R: CT and MRI diagnostics of the wrist: indications, technique, clinical relevance. Symposium "The painful wrist" at 24/11/2001 in Ludwigshafen
Schmitt R: MRI of the hand. 17th Symposium "Musculoskeletal MRI" at 17/11/2001 in Munich
Karle B, Krimmer H, Fröhner S, Schmitt R, B. Mayer: Scaphoid fractures - when surgical, when conservative? CT-based classification. 42nd Conference of the German-speaking Society for Hand Surgery at 03-05/11/2001 in St Gallen/Switzerland
R. Meier, Prommersberger KJ, Schmitt R, Krimmer H: The partial fusion of scaphoid, trapezium and trapezoideum for the treatment of lunate necrosis. 42nd Conference of the German-speaking Society for Hand Surgery at 03-05/11/2001 in St Gallen/Switzerland
Schmitt R: Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging in aortic dissection. Advanced training of the cardiology department of the Herz- und Gefäßklinik GmbH at 27/10/2001 in Bad Neustadt/Saale
Schmitt R, Stäbler A, Fröhner S, Prommersberger J, Krimmer H, Hahn P: Modern radiology of the hand: Half-day workshop. 54th Annual Conference of the Bavarian Radiological Society at 19-21/10/2001 in Irsee/Kaufbeuren
Schmitt R, Christopoulos G, Fröhner S, Brunner S, Schweiger H: MR angiography of the carotid artery: Can catheter angiography be replaced with optimised image quality? 54th Annual Conference of the Bavarian Radiological Society at 19-21/10/2001 in Irsee/Kaufbeuren
Schmitt R, Coblenz G, Fröhner S, Metz G, Christopoulos G, Schweiger H: MR angiography of the iliac arteries: Examination strategy and value compared to catheter angiography. 54th Annual Conference of the Bavarian Radiological Society at 19-21/10/2001 in Irsee/Kaufbeuren
Christopoulos G, Schmitt R, Fröhner S, Coblenz G, Krimmer H, Hahn P, Kalb K: Direct MR Arthrography of the Wrist: The Diagnostic Results of the Technique and Correlation with Arthroscopic Findings. 8th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiolgy (ESSR) at 05-06/10/2001 in Budapest/Hungary
Schmitt R: New aspects of modern imaging in diseases of the hand. Event of the Orthopaedic Clinic Munich-Harlaching at 26/09/2001 in Munich
Krimmer H, Schmitt R: Classification of scaphoid fractures by CT imaging. Annual Meeting of the "Wrist Investigator Group" at 27/07/2001 in Baltmore/USA
Schmitt R: Modern CT and MRI diagnostics of the hand. Advanced training event of the Institute for X-ray Diagnostics of the University of Wuerzburg at 24/07/2001 in Wuerzburg
Schmitt R: MR tomography of the hand. How to do? Symposium "MR Compact 2001" at 28-30/06/2001 in Bamberg
Fröhner S: Cross-sectional imaging of the heart. Current aspects. Patient seminar at the Frankenklinik GmbH Bad Neustadt/Saale at 13/06/2001 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Schmitt R, Christopoulos G, Fröhner S, Hahn P, Krimmer H: Direct arthro-MRI of the wrist: technique, results, and indications. 82nd German Radiology Congress at 23-26/05/2001 in Wiesbaden
Fröhner S, Schmitt R, Krimmer H, Bartelmann U, Hahn P: High-resolution computed tomography in scaphoid fractures and scaphoid pseudarthrosis. 82nd German Congress of Radiology at 23-26/05/2001 in Wiesbaden
Schmitt R, Fröhner S, Christopoulos G, Hirschelmann R, Schweiger H: Contrast-enhanced MR angiography of the arteries supplying the brain: How does the choice of sequence type influence image quality? 82nd German Congress of Radiology at 23-26/05/2001 in Wiesbaden
Schmitt R, Brunner S, Hirschelmann R, Fröhner S, Ross P, Schweiger H: Contrast-enhanced MR angiography of the lower extremity: Special examination protocols in addition to the step-shift technique. 82nd German Radiology Congress at 23-26/05/2001 in Wiesbaden
Schmitt R, Fröhner S, Coblenz G, Bartelmann U, Krimmer H, Hahn P: High-Resolution CT of the scaphoid: technique, results and diagnostic impact. 13th Meeting of the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) at 03-08/03/2001 in Vienna/Austria
Schmitt R: The diabetic foot: Radiological diagnostics. 10th Congress of Vascular Surgery at 02-04/02/2001 in Ofterschwang, Germany
Schmitt R: Computed tomographic diagnostics in diseases of the upper extremity. 2nd Congress "Multiline Spiral CT" at 12-13/01/2001 in Erlangen
Lectures 2000
Fröhner S, Schmitt R: Ulnar-sided pain of the wrist: computer-aided virtual endoscopy based on MR arthrography in comparison with arthroscopic findings. Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). 86th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting at 26/11/-01/12/2000 in Chicago/USA
Schmitt R: Radiological diagnostics of the hand. 1st International Symposium "Past - Present - Future of Hand Surgery" at 8/11/2000 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Schmitt R, Christopoulos G, U. Bartelmann, Krimmer H, Lanz U: Radiological diagnosis of lunate necrosis: recommendations for an algorithm. 42nd Conference of the German-speaking Society for Hand Surgery at 02-04/11/2000 in Munich
Bartelmann U, Kalb K, Fröhner S, Schmitt R, Landsleitner B: Lunate necrosis - a disease that is easy to diagnose? 42nd Conference of the German-speaking Society for Hand Surgery at 02-04/11/2000 in Munich
Kalb K, Bartelmann U, Fuchs V, Schmitt R, Landsleitner B: Importance of STT arthrodesis in the treatment of lunate necrosis. 42nd Conference of the German-speaking Society for Hand Surgery at 02-04/11/2000 in Munich
Fröhner S, Schmitt R, Hahn P, Krimmer H, Landsleitner B: Importance of high-resolution computer tomography in the diagnosis of scaphoid fracture and scaphoid pseudarthrosis. 42nd Conference of the German-speaking Society for Hand Surgery at 02-04/11/2000 in Munich
Schmitt R: Technique and performance of contrast-enhanced MR angiography. Advanced training event for medical-technical assistants at 06-07/10/2000 in Stuttgart
Schmitt R: Imaging diagnosis of lunate necrosis. Advanced training event of the Clinic for Hand Surgery Bad Neustadt at 19/07/2000 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Schmitt R, Lanz U: Recommendations for diagnostic imaging of the hand. Consensus conference "Imaging procedures in trauma surgery" at 15/07/2000 in Ludwigshafen
Bartelmann U, Kalb K, Hollenberg S, Fröhner S, Schmitt R: Differential diagnosis of Kienboeck's disease. VII Congress of the Federation of the European Societies for Surgery of the Hand at 21-24/06/2000 in Barcelona/Spain
Kalb K, Bartelmann U, Fuchs V, Hollenberg S, Schmitt R: Triscaphe arthrodesis - experience in 122 operations. VII Congress of the Federation of the European Societies for Surgery of the Hand at 21-24/06/2000 in Barcelona/Spain
Schmitt R, Fröhner S, Binder F, Schweiger H: MR angiography of the iliac arteries using the table shift technique. 16th Congress of the German Society for Vascular Surgery, 05-09/04/2000 in Nuremberg
Schmitt R, Christopoulos G, Griewing B, Schweiger H: CT angiography of the intracranial arteries. 16th Congress of the German Society for Vascular Surgery at 05-09/04/2000 in Nuremberg
Schmitt R, Fellner F, Fellner C, Cavallaro A, Bautz W: Visualisation of wrist ligament injuries using contrast-enhanced MRI. 12th Meeting of the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) at 03-08/03/2000 in Vienna/Austria
Schmitt R, Fellner F, Brunner S, Dobritz M, Lanz U: Staging Kienboeck's disease using contrast-enhanced MRI. 12th Meeting of the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) at 03-08/03/2000 in Vienna/Austria
Schmitt R, Fröhner S, Fleischmann I, Schweiger H: Contrast-enhanced MRA of the cruropedal arteries. Introduction of a dedicated technique. 12th Meeting of the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) at 03-08/03/2000 in Vienna/Austria
Schmitt R, Brunner S, Wedell E, Christopoulos G, Schweiger H: Modified approach to peripheral multi-station MRA: Starting with data acquisition of the lower leg. 12th Meeting of the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) at 03-08/03/2000 in Vienna/Austria
Kalb K, Fuchs V, Hollenberg S, Landsleitner B, Schmitt R: Triscaph arthrodesis - experience in 122 operations. Joint Israeli-Hellenic International Meeting for the 10th Anniversary of the Israeli Society for Surgery of the Hand at 22-26/02/2000 Jerusalem/Israel
Lectures 1999
Schmitt R: Imaging diagnostics of carpal injuries - native, CT and MRI. XVIII. Nuremberg Joint Symposium at 26-27/11/1999 in Nuremberg
Schmitt R: The surprising anatomical variation. Variations in the bone area. Forum session at the 40th Symposium of the German-speaking Working Group for Hand Surgery at 23/10/1999 in Hanover
Schmitt R, Lanz U: MRI examination of initial stages of Kienboeck's disease using contrast-enhanced sequences. Annual meeting of the "Wrist Investigator Group" at 01/09/1999 in Boston/USA
Schweiger H, Griewing B, Schmitt R, Wedell E: Smoker's leg and stroke. Expert panel on "15 years of Herz- und Gefäßklinik Bad Neustadt" at 03/07/1999 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Schmitt R: Radiological diagnostics of the spine and spinal cord. Advanced training event "Tag der Bandscheibe" at 26/06/1999 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Schaller P, Schmitt R, Parth R, Müller L, Grünert J: Changes in the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) after radial shortening for lunatomalacia. Federation of the European Societies for Surgery of the Hand at 26-29/05/1999 in Bonn
Schmitt R: Imaging diagnostics in diseases of peripheral nerves. Meeting of the Regional Muscle Centre Erlangen-Nuremberg at 05.05.1999 in Erlangen
Schmitt R: Radiological diagnosis of carpal injuries. 3rd Hand Surgery Seminar of the Dr Erler Clinics at 24/04/1999 in Nuremberg
Schmitt R: Radiological diagnosis of the carpus. Symposium "Surgery of the wrist" at 17/04/1999 in Vogtareuth
Schmitt R, Dobritz M, Fellner F, Fellner C, Lenz M. Bautz W: Visualisation of cranial nerves using rapid T1- and T2-weighted 3D MRI data sets. 11th Meeting of the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) at 07-12/03/1999 in Vienna/Austria
Fellner F, Schmitt R, Fellner C, Brunner S, Cavallaro A, Bautz W: Visualisation of wrist ligament injuries using contrast-enhanced MRI. 11th Meeting of the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) at 07-12/03/1999 in Vienna/Austria
Schmitt R: The stroke. Interventional neuroradiological therapy in the acute phase. Advanced training event of the Neurological Clinic Bad Neustadt/Saale at 27/02/1999 in Bad Neustadt an der Saale
Lectures 1998
Schmitt R: 2D reconstruction of the wrist and tarsus. 49th Nuremberg Advanced Training Congress of the Bavarian Medical Association (advanced training course for medical assistants) at 4-6/12/1998 in Nuremberg
Fellner F, Hecht M, Fellner C, Schmitt R, Fiedler E, Dobritz M, Bautz W: Early diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis using the FLAIR sequence. Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). 84th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting at 29/11/to 4/12/1998 in Chicago/USA
Fellner F, M. Blank, Fellner C, H. Böhm-Jurkovic, Schmitt R, Bautz W, W.A. Kalender: Virtual cisternoscopy of intracranial vessels - a novel visualisation technique using virtual reality. Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). 84th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting at 29/11/-4/12/1998 in Chicago/USA
Schmitt R: Arterial embolisation techniques under emergency conditions. 51st Annual Meeting of the Bayerische Röntgengesellschaft at 23-25/10/1998 in Munich
Schmitt R: Regional therapy of tumours in the liver. 33rd Conference for Practical Gastroenterology and Hepatology at 09-10/10/1998 in Erlangen
Schmitt R: Interventional radiology for liver tumours. 4th Clinical Radiological Colloquium of the Medical District Association Erlangen and the Tumour Centre Erlangen-Nuremberg at 23/09/1998 in Erlangen
Fellner F, Blank M, Fellner C, Böhm-Jurkovic H, Schmitt R, Kalender W, Bautz W: Virtual cisternoscopy of intracranial vessels. 33rd Annual Meeting of the German Society for Neuroradiology at 10-12/09/1998 in Bad Homburg
Fellner F, Dobritz M, Schmitt R, Fellner C, Fiedler E, Janka R, Bautz W: Visualisation of cranial nerves using rapid T1- and T2-weighted three-dimensional MRI data sets. 15th Annual Meeting of the ESMRMB 1998 in Geneva/Switzerland
Schmitt R: Modern imaging of the hand: MRI in inflammatory-degenerative changes. 13th Interdisciplinary Talks in Radiology at 04-05/09/1998 in Hamburg
Schmitt R: Imaging diagnostics of the peripheral nervous system. Inaugural lecture at the Medical Faculty of the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg at 22/07/1998 in Erlangen
Schmitt R: Fresh fractures of the wrist (distal radius and carpus). 10th Munich Hand Surgery Meeting at 04/07/1998 in Munich
Schmitt R: Sonography in abdominal trauma. Advanced training course of the ultrasound school Erlangen at 02/07/1998 in Erlangen
Schmitt R: Local intrarterial thrombolysis. Materials and comparison of methods. Munich Angiography Circle at 08/06/1998 in Munich
Triebe S, Schmitt R, Fellner F, Fellner C, Obletter N, Lenz M, Bautz W: Visualisation of cranial nerves from 3D data sets: Possibilities and limitations of MR tomography. 79th German Radiology Congress at 20-23/05/1998 in Wiesbaden
Fellner F, Blank M, Fellner C, Böhm-Jurkovic H, Schmitt R, Bautz W, W. Kalender: Virtual cisternoscopy of intracranial vessels - a new way of visualising cerebral vascular malformations using virtual reality. 79th German Radiology Congress at 20-23/05/1998 in Wiesbaden
Schmitt R: Arterial embolisation therapy for bleeding lesions and hypervascularised tumours. Advanced training of the Surgical University Hospital Erlangen at 04/05/1998 in Erlangen
Schmitt R: Diagnostic strategies for injuries of the knee. Course "Adjustment techniques for MTAR and physicians" at 30-31/01/1998 in Erlangen
Schmitt R: Diagnostic strategies for injuries of the hand. Course "Adjustment techniques for MTAR and physicians" at 30-31/01/1998 in Erlangen
Schmitt R: Theory and practice of vascular intervention procedures. Advanced training course for endovascular vascular surgeons at 23/01/1998 in Erlangen
Schmitt R: X-ray diagnosis of fractures of the hand. Osteosynthesis course of the Working Group for Hand Surgery on 23/01/1998 in Erlangen
Schmitt R: Intra-arterial thrombolysis in peripheral arterial occlusive disease. Symposium organised by Thomae at 17/01/1998 in Herzogenaurach
Schmitt R: Diagnosis of avascular osteonecrosis of the carpus. Advanced training of the Medical Association of the City of Vienna at 14/01/1998 in Vienna/Austria
Lectures 1997
Fellner F, Held P, Schmitt R, Fellner C, Eberhardt K, Bautz W: Fast MR imaging of ischemic and neoplastic brain lesions: a comparison of FSE and GRASE. Radiological Society of North America. 83rd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting at 30/11/-5/12/1997 in Chicago/USA
Schmitt R: Diagnostic imaging of the peripheral nervous system. Meeting Societas physico-medica Erlangenesis at 19/11/1997 in Erlangen
Schmitt R: MRI of the musculoskeletal system. Inauguration of the MR tomograph Gyroscan ACS-NT (Philips) at 31/10/1997 in Erlangen
Schmitt R: MR tomography in joint diagnostics. Inauguration of the MR tomograph Expert (Siemens) at 11/10/1997 in Bad Mergentheim
Schmitt R: Radiological examination techniques in gastroenterology. 32nd Conference for Practical Gastroenterology and Hepatology at 10-11/10/1998 in Erlangen
Schmitt R, Lang W: Peripheral arterial occlusive disease: News on diagnostics and therapy. Advanced training of the Erlangen Medical District Association at 24/09/1997 in Erlangen
Cavallaro A, Fellner F, Reutter N, Fellner C, Triebe S, Schmitt R: Value of the turbo spin-echo sequences in preoperative MRI of spinal cord masses. 14th Annual Meeting of the ESMRMB at 18-21/09/1997 in Brussels/Belgium
Lenz M, Greeß H, Baum U, Schmitt R, Girod S, Bautz W: Spiral CT with colour coded 3D reconstruction of carotid stenoses: comparison with DSA and MR angiography. Computer Integrated Surgery (CIS Congress) at 01-05/09/1997 in Linz/Austria
Schmitt R, Fellner F, Triebe S, Bautz W: Visualisation of cranial nerves with 3D data sets in MR imaging of the brain. Computer Integrated Surgery (CIS Congress) at 01-05/09/1997 in Linz/Austria
Schmitt R, Fellner F, Heinze A, Bautz W: Ultrasonography of peripheral nerve lesions. Computer Integrated Surgery (CIS Congress) at 01-05/09/1997 in Linz/Austria
Schmitt R: Imaging diagnostics of the hand. Seronegative arthritides and collagenoses. Advanced training event of the Medical Clinic III of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg at 14/07/1997 in Erlangen
Schmitt R: Ultrasound in abdominal trauma. Advanced ultrasound course of the Ultrasound School Erlangen at 22/06/1997 in Erlangen
Schmitt R: CT and MRI of the wrist: Which indications? Symposium "Trauma and Degeneration of the Skeleton and Joints" at 23-24/05/1997 in Hamburg
Schmitt R, Fellner F, Triebe S, Lenz M, Bautz W: Diagnostics of carpal structural disorders (instabilities). 78th German Radiological Congress at 07-10/05/1997 in Wiesbaden
Schmitt R, Brunner E, Dobritz M, Kuschke V, Bautz W: CT-guided labelling of round lung foci prior to thoracoscopic resection. 78th German Radiological Congress at 07-10/05/1997 in Wiesbaden
Schmitt R, Fellner F, Heinze A, Bautz W: High-resolution sonography in peripheral nerve compression syndromes. 78th German Radiological Congress at 07-10/05/1997 in Wiesbaden
Fellner F, Fellner C, Holl K, Eberhardt K, Schmitt R, Lenz M, Bautz W: Rapid three-dimensional gradient-echo technique (MP-RAGE) in MRI of intracranial tumours for surgical guidance systems. Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine at 12-18/04/1997 in Vancouver/Canada
Fellner F, Fellner C, Held P, Schmitt R, Obletter N, Fiedler E, Bautz W: Evaluation of fast SE sequences for MRI of the pelvis. 10th European Congress of Radiology at 02-07/03/1997 in Vienna/Austria
Fellner F, Fellner C, Held P, Böhm-Jurkovic H, Schmitt R, Obletter N, Bautz W: Fast MRI of ischemic and tumorous brain lesions: A comparison of TSE and GRASE sequences. 10th European Congress of Radiology at 02-07/03/1997 in Vienna/Austria
Schmitt R: CT and MRI of the carpus. Congress of the Erler Clinics Nuremberg at 22/02/1997 in Nuremberg
Schmitt R: Imaging diagnostics of the hand. Rheumatoid arthritis. Advanced training event of the Medical Clinic III of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg at 14/02/1997 in Erlangen
Lectures 1996
Schmitt R: Shoulder CT and MRI. 26th advanced training course for medical assistants on 07/12/1996 in Nuremberg
Schmitt R: Radiological diagnosis of the carpus. 73rd X-ray evening of the Nuremberg Clinical Centre 25/11/1996 in Nuremberg
Schmitt R, Fellner F, Heinze A, Obletter N: Avascular osteonecrosis of the lunate and scaphoid: Imaging, staging and classification. 3rd Annual Meeting of the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology at 08-09/11/1996 in Salzburg/Austria
Schmitt R, Fellner F, Heinze A, Obletter N: Imaging diagnosis of avascular osteonecrosis of the carpus. Joint autumn conference of the Bavarian Radiological Society and the Saxon Radiological Society at 03-05/10/1996 in Leipzig
Schmitt R, Heinze A, Fellner F: High-resolution sonography in lesions of the peripheral nervous system. Joint autumn conference of the Bavarian Radiological Society and the Saxon Radiological Society at 03-05/10/1996 in Leipzig
Schmitt R: Breast carcinoma. Apparative diagnostics II (MRI). 21st Erlangen Continuing Education Event of the German Society for Radiooncology and the Bavarian State Medical Association at 27-28/09/1996 in Erlangen
Schmitt R: Imaging of the lunate bone. 21st Basler Handchirurgische Arbeitstagung der Deutschsprachigen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Handchirurgie at 28-29/06/1996 in Arlesheim near Basel/Switzerland
Fellner F, Held P, Schmitt R, Fellner C, Obletter N, Molls M: Comparison of TSE, GRASE, and SE in MRI of ischemic and tumorous brain lesions. British Radiological Congress at 20-22/05/1996 in Birmingham/England
Lectures 1995
Fellner F, Obletter N, Held P, Schmitt R, Molls M: Comparison of TSE and TGSE sequences with a conventional SE sequence in benign and malignant brain lesions. Anniversary conference of the Bavarian Radiological Society at 10-12/11/1995 in Wuerzburg
Reutter N, Kiefer T, Fellner F, Schmitt R: Portal venous computed tomography of the liver. 72nd Conference of the Association of Bavarian Surgeons at 20-22/07/1995 in Ingolstadt
Schmitt R: Cross-sectional imaging of the soft tissues of the hand with special consideration of sonography. Radiodiagnostic colloquium of the University of Zurich at 8/06/1995 in Zurich
Fellner F, Schmitt R, Trenkler J, Helmberger T, Fellner C, Obletter N: The turbo spin echo technique (T1, PD, T2) in MRI of the cerebrum: Clinical application. 76th German Radiological Congress at 24-27/05/1995 in Wiesbaden
Fellner F, Reutter N, Schmitt R, Fellner C, Obletter N, Kroker H: Importance of fast MRI in the preoperative diagnosis of spinal lesions. 76th German Radiological Congress at 24-27/05/1995 in Wiesbaden
Fellner F, Reutter N, Schmitt R, Triebe S, Fellner C, Obletter N: Importance of the turbo spin echo technique in the MRI of inflammatory and ischaemic diseases of the spinal cord. 76th German Radiological Congress at 24-27/05/1995 in Wiesbaden
Schmitt R, Fellner F, Triebe S, Obletter N: MR-tomographic visualisation of cranial nerves using 3D data sets. 76th German Radiological Congress at 24-27/05/1995 in Wiesbaden
Schmitt R, Fellner F, Heinze A, Obletter N: Staging of avascular osteonecrosis of the carpus using CT and MRI. 76th German Radiological Congress at 24-27/05/1995 in Wiesbaden
Liebscher A, Megele R, Schmitt R: Positional and shape changes of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel by tensing single finger flexor tendons. 46th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Neurosurgery at 02-05/04/1995 in Ulm
Schmitt R, Fellner F, Triebe S, Obletter N, Megele R: Visualisation of cranial nerves in MR tomography using 3D data sets. 46th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Neurosurgery at 02-05/04/1995 in Ulm
Schmitt R, Fellner F, Reutter N, Megele R, Clar HE: Sonographic diagnosis of peripheral nerve lesions. 46th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Neurosurgery at 02-05/04/1995 in Ulm
Schmitt R, Harendza W: Acetabular fractures. Diagnosis and therapy. 14th Surgical Discussion of the Surgical Clinics Ingolstadt at 22/03/1995 in Ingolstadt
Schmitt R, Fellner F, Obletter N, Reutter N: Staging of scaphoid pseudarthrosis and lunate malacia using CT and MRI. 10th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Osteology, 16-18/03/1995 in Munich
Schmitt R, Fellner F, Reutter N, Megele R: Ultrasound examination of peripheral nerve lesions. 8th European Congress of Radiology 1995 at 05-10/03/1995 in Vienna/Austria
Lectures 1994
Schmitt R, Helmberger T, Reutter N, Megele R: Sonographic diagnostics of the peripheral nervous system. Symposium "Experimental Radiology 1994" at 23rd - 24th/09/1994 in Aachen, Germany
Schmitt R, Fellner F, Triebe S, Obletter N: On the visualisation of cranial nerves using 3-D data sets in MRI. Symposium "Experimental Radiology 1994" at 23rd - 24th/09/1994 in Aachen
Prüll C, Fellner F, Schmitt R, Obletter N, Trenkler J, Helmberger T, Böhm-Jurkovic H: PD- and T2-weighted turbo spin echo (TSE) single and dual echo sequences in MRI of the brain at 1.0 T: a physical approach. 11th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology at 20-24/06/1994 in Vienna/Austria
Fellner F, Fellner C, Kiefer B, Schmitt R, Trenkler J, Böhm-Jurkovic H: Turbo gradient spin echo (TSGE): a new approach to fast MRI of the brain at 1.0 T. 11th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology at 20-24/06/1994 in Vienna/Austria
Fellner F, Trenkler J, Schmitt R, Gmeiner S, Böhm-Jurkovic H: First clinical experience with turbo gradient spin echo (TGSE) technique in MRI of the brain. 11th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology at 20-24/06/1994 in Vienna/Austria
Fellner F, Trenkler J, Schmitt R, Fellner C, Kiefer B, Böhm-Jurkovic H: Turbo gradient spin-echo: a new hybrid technique for fast magnetic resonance imaging of the brain. 20th Congress of the European Society of Neuroradiology at 14-18/06/1994 in Nancy/France
Fellner F, Prüll C, Kiefer B, Trenkler J, Schmitt R, Böhm-Jurkovic H: Turbo gradient spin echo sequences in MRI of the cerebrum: optimisation of contrast behaviour and measurement time. 75th German Radiological Congress at 11-14/05/1994 in Wiesbaden
Fellner F, Trenkler J, Schmitt R, Seyss R, Böhm-Jurkovic H: Turbo GSE: A new fast hybrid computing system for magnetic resonance imaging at 1.0 T. 75th German X-ray Congress at 11-14/05/1994 in Wiesbaden
Helmberger T, Schmitt R, Salat H, Reutter N: Experiences with digital MRI at a universal workstation. 75th German Radiology Congress at 11-14/05/1994 in Wiesbaden
Schmitt R: Imaging diagnostics of the peripheral nervous system. Advanced training event at the Großhadern Clinical Centre at 01/03/1994 in Munich
Lectures 1993
Fellner F, Böhm-Jurkovic H, Helmberger T, Prüll C, Schmitt R, Obletter N: Value of fast spin-echo sequences in routine brain MR imaging. 19th Congress of the European Society of Neuroradiology at 08-11/09/1993 in Bruges/Belgium
Fellner F, Prüll C, Helmberger T, Schmitt R, Hausmann R, Obletter N, Böhm-Jurkovic H: Fast spin-echo sequences with optimised proton density- and T2-contrast: a comparative study with conventional SE imaging in routine brain examinations. 12th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine at 14-20/08/1993 in New York/USA
Fellner FA, Schmitt R, Prüll C, Helmberger T, Hausmann R, Obletter N: Fast spin-echo sequences compared to conventional spin-echo technique in routine brain imaging at 1.0 T. Evaluation of 100 examinations. 10th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology at 03-06/06/1993 in Rome/Italy
Schmitt R, Fellner F, Helmberger T, Obletter N: Conventional and turbo-SE sequences in MR diagnostics of demyelinating and inflammatory diseases of the CNS. Spring conference of the Bavarian Radiological Society and the Saxon Radiological Society at 24-25/05/1993 in Dresden
Schmitt R, Helmberger T, Fellner F, Obletter N, Prüll C: Are fast SE sequences suitable for routine MR diagnostics of cerebral diseases? Spring conference of the Bavarian Radiological Society and the Saxon Radiological Society at 24-25/05/1993 in Dresden
Schmitt R, Gullotta U, Helmberger T, Hacker W: Preoperative marking of non-palpable breast lesions using a wire mesh compression plate. Spring conference of the Bavarian Radiological Society and the Saxon Radiological Society at 24-25/05/1993 in Dresden
Fellner F, Schmitt R, Helmberger T, Prüll C, Obletter N: Can fast spin echo sequences replace conventional sequences in routine MR diagnostics of the cerebrum? Evaluation of 100 patient examinations. 74th German Radiology Congress at 19-22/05/1993 in Wiesbaden
Schmitt R, Fellner F, Prüll C, Obletter N, Helmberger T: Turbo-SE sequences in the MR diagnosis of inflammatory diseases of the CNS. 74th German Radiological Congress at 19-22/05/1993 in Wiesbaden
Schmitt R, Loitzsch R: i.a.-DSA before corrective interventions including interventional measures. Symposium "Shunt surgery, haemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis" at 28/04/1993 in Ingolstadt
Lectures 1992
Schmitt R, Spindler-Thiele S, Helmberger T: Transbrachial arteriography with F4 catheters: technique and results. Annual Conference of the Saxon Radiological Society at 21-22/11/1992 in Reichenbach/Görlitz
Schmitt R: Computed tomographic diagnosis of mediastinal tumours. Advanced training of the Schleswig-Holstein pulmonologists at 1/04/1992 in Nuebelfeld/Flensburg
Loitzsch RM, Schmitt R, Krause D: Diagnostic value of DSA in shunt dysfunction. Conference of dialysis centres at 21-22/02/1992 in Ingolstadt
Lectures 1991
Schmitt R, Ertel B, Hacker W: Double contrast pharyngography after treatment of laryngeal and pharyngeal malignancies. Joint autumn conference of the Bavarian and Berlin Radiological Societies at 19-20/10/1991 in Coburg
Schmitt R, Fellner F, Obletter N: Sonography, CT and MRI in the diagnosis of haemangiomas and FNH of the liver. Joint autumn conference of the Bavarian and Berlin radiological societies at 19-20/10/1991 in Coburg
Helmberger T, Schmitt R, Spindler-Thiele S, Gaebler D: Duplex sonographic determination of the degree of vascularisation of organ tumours. Joint autumn conference of the Bavarian and Berlin Radiological Societies at 19-20/10/1991 in Coburg
Schmitt R, Spindler-Thiele S, Helmberger T, Preger R: Sonography and computed tomography in peripheral nerve tumours. Joint autumn conference of the Bavarian and Berlin radiological societies at 19-20/10/1991 in Coburg
Schmitt R, Gullotta U, Pogan J: Marking of non-palpable breast lesions using a wire mesh compression plate. 72nd German Radiological Congress at 08-11/05/1991 in Wiesbaden
Schmitt R, Feyerabend T, Richter E, Bohndorf W: Restaging of bronchogenic carcinoma by CT: Diagnostic signs after radiotherapy. International Symposium of the W. Vaillant Foundation at 11-13/04/1991 in Munich
Feyerabend T, Schmitt R, Richter E, Bohndorf W: Radiotherapy of lung cancer: Evaluation of tumour response by computed tomography (CT). International Symposium of the W. Vaillant Foundation at 11-13/04/1991 in Munich
Schmitt R: Radiological methods in the diagnosis of bronchial carcinoma. Advanced training course organised by the Ingolstadt and Eichstätt District Medical Association at 16/03/1991 in Ingolstadt
Lectures 1990
Schmitt R: Myelography and computer tomography in the diagnosis of herniated lumbar discs. Annual training of the Bad Kissingen orthopaedists at 13/10/1990 in Bad Kissingen
Schmitt R: Computed tomography diagnosis of acetabular fractures. Hessian Society for Medical Radiology, Association of Southwest German Radiologists and Nuclear Medicine, 28-30/09/1990 in Konstanz
Schmitt R: Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty. Advanced training of the Ingolstadt and Eichstätt Medical District Association at 19/09/1990 in Ingolstadt
Lenz M, Bongers H, Schmitt R, Skalej M: Fast MR-imaging of the head and neck with Gadolinium-DTPA. 4th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Head and Neck Radiology at 12-15/09/1990 in Brescia/Italy
Schmitt R, Lenz M, Klier R, Bautz W: Application of contrast media in CT of the neck: techniques and results. 4th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Head and Neck Radiology at 12-15/09/1990 in Brescia/Italy
Feyerabend T, Schmitt R, Richter E, Bohndorf W: Radiotherapy of lung cancer: evaluation of treatment volume and tumour remission by computed tomography. Congress of the British Institute of Radiology at 11-13/06/1990 in Harrogate/England
Feyerabend T, Mehringer A, Treutlein G, Schindler G, Schmitt R, Warmuth-Metz M: Ultrasound examination of regional lymph nodes: Value in staging and follow-up of malignant melanoma. Congress of the British Institute of Radiology at 11-13/06/1990 in Harrogate/England
Lectures 1989
Schmitt R, Warmuth-Metz M, Richter E, Feyerabend T: Value of pharyngography in the follow-up of tumours of the oropharynx and hypopharynx. Autumn Conference of the Bavarian and Austrian Radiological Societies at 06-08/09/1989 in Gmunden/Austria
Warmuth-Metz M, Feyerabend T, Schmitt R, Richter E: The importance of phonation for the computerised tomographic evaluation of carcinomas of the oropharynx and hypopharynx. A comparative study with double contrast pharyngography and endoscopy. Autumn Conference of the Bavarian and Austrian Radiological Societies at 06-08/09/1989 in Gmunden/Austria
Feyerabend T, Treutlein G, Mehringer A, Schindler G, Schmitt R, Warmuth-Metz M: Lymph node sonography - A valuable contribution to the diagnosis and aftercare of malignant melanoma? 13th ultrasound three-country meeting in Hamburg at 04-07/09/1989 in Hamburg
Schmitt R, Warmuth-Metz M, Wuttke V, Lanz U: Computed tomographic diagnosis of soft tissue tumours of the hand and forearm. 30th Symposium of the German-speaking Working Group for Hand Surgery at 28-30/09/1989 in Erlangen
Schmitt R: Computed tomography of the hand. 1st Munich Hand Surgery Symposium at 01/07/1989 in Munich
Lectures 1988
Schindler G, Gay B, Helzel MV, Riemenschneider J, Schmitt R: Clinical CT diagnostics in calcaneus fractures. Austrian Radiological Congress at 27-29/10/1988 in Graz
Warmuth-Metz M, Schmitt R, Lanz U, Schindler G, Feyerabend T: CT diagnosis of soft tissue tumours of the hand and forearm. Austrian Radiological Congress at 27-29/10/1988 in Graz/Austria
Schmitt R, Warmuth-Metz M, Wuttke V, Schindler G: Diagnostic procedure for injuries of the acetabulum and posterior pelvic ring. Autumn conference of the Bavarian Radiological Society at 07-09/09/1988 in Regensburg
Schmitt R, Lanz U, Wuttke V: Computed tomography diagnosis of the carpus, wrist, and distal radioulnar joint. Autumn conference of the Bavarian Radiological Society at 07-09/09/1988 in Regensburg
Schmitt R: CT investigations of change of shape of carpal tunnel after median nerve release. International Symposium on Wrist Imaging at 06-09/07/1988 in Brescia/Italy
Schmitt R: CT in traumatic wrist instabilities. International Symposium on Wrist Imaging at 06-09/07/1988 in Brescia/Italy
Feyerabend T, Schmitt R, Richter E, Warmuth-Metz M: Double contrast pharyngograpy after surgical and/or radiation treatment of hypopharyngeal malignomas. 11th International Congress of Head and Neck Radiology at 06-11/06/1988 in Uppsala/Sweden
Warmuth-Metz M, Feyerabend T, Schmitt R: Staging of carcinoma of oro- and hypopharynx by CT and double contrast pharyngography. 11th International Congress of Head and Neck Radiology at 06-11/06/1988 in Uppsala/Sweden
Schmitt R, Lanz U, S. Buhmann, Lucas D: Computed tomographic diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome. 69th German Radiological Congress at 02-04/06/1988 in Freiburg/Breisgau
Schmitt R, Lucas D, Lanz U, Warmuth-Metz M: The scaphoid pseudarthrosis: Comparative study between scaphoid quartet series and high-resolution thin-section CT. 69th German Radiology Congress at 02-04/06/1988 in Freiburg/Breisgau
Schmitt R, Lanz U, Lucas D, Weißer C, Schindler G: Functional-diagnostic principles of carpal instabilities. 69th German Radiological Congress at 02-04/06/1988 in Freiburg/Breisgau
Schmitt R, Richter E, Feyerabend T, Warmuth-Metz M: Double contrast pharyngography in the diagnosis of pharyngeal dysphagia. 69th German Congress of Radiology at 02-04/06/1988 in Freiburg/Breisgau
Schmitt R: New imaging techniques in the diagnosis of persistent complaints after distal radius fracture. Advanced training of the Ingolstadt and Eichstätt Medical District Association at 27/04/1988 in Ingolstadt
Lectures 1987
Franke S, Schmitt R, Sperling M: Inflammatory aortic aneurysm. Differential diagnosis. International Rhine Congress at 31/10/-7/11/1987 in Amsterdam/Holland
Schmitt R: Three-dimensional fracture analysis with the aid of CT: Traumatological diagnosis of the carpus. Surgical training week at 26-30/10/1987 in Wuerzburg
Schmitt R: Computed tomography in the urgent X-ray diagnosis of the severely injured patient. Surgical training week at 26-30/10/1987 in Wuerzburg
Schmitt R, Lanz U, Bucher H, Schindler G: Computed tomography of the hand: normal anatomy, indication areas, examination technique. 28th Symposium of the German-speaking Working Group for Hand Surgery at 10-12/09/1987 in Hanover
Bucher H, Schmitt R, Lanz U: Clinic and diagnosis of acute calcifying tendinitis in the carpal canal. 28th Symposium of the German-speaking Working Group for Hand Surgery at 10-12/09/1987 in Hannover
Schmitt R, Richter E, Feyerabend T: Double contrast pharyngography, an alternative to endoscopy? Spring conference of the Bavarian Radiological Society at 15-17/05/1987 in Wuerzburg
Schmitt R: Radiological diagnosis of the polytraumatised patient. Use of CT on the trunk of the body, the pelvis and the spine. Spring conference of the Bavarian Radiological Society at 15-17/05/1987 in Wuerzburg
Feyerabend T, Schmitt R, Richter E: Bronchial carcinoma on CT before and after radiotherapy. 68th German Radiological Congress at 29/04/-02/05/1987 in Hamburg
Schmitt R, Warmuth-Metz M, Schindler G: On the X-ray diagnosis of the traumatised posterior pelvic ring. 68th German Radiological Congress at 29/04/-02/05/1987 in Hamburg
Schmitt R, Lucas D, Lanz U, Schindler G, Buhmann S: Diagnostic value of computer tomography in hand diseases. 68th German Radiology Congress at 29/04/-02/05/1987 in Hamburg
Schmitt R: Radiology of the hand. Recent results (CT). 10th Wuerzburg clinical-radiological discussion at 27/03/1987 in Wuerzburg
Lectures 1986
Schmitt R: Radiological findings in Whipple's disease. Scientific-cardiological colloquium at 10/12/1986 in Wuerzburg
König H, Sauter R, Schmitt R, Weber H: Magnetic resonance imaging of cartilage using chemical shift methods. 67th German Radiology Congress at 30/04-02/05/1986 in Hannover